Error Messages after booting

There is an error message after booting. The same message was there while installing also.

File ‘/repodata/repomd.xml’ not found on medium ‘

Normally the repository “” is added for you automatically during an openSUSE 11.3 installation and so you would not get this error. Did you try to add it in manually? Did you upgrade to or install openSUSE 11.3?

Thank You,

I looked at forum documentation and went to YAST and found that the Index of /distribution/11.3/repo/oss’ is there. I took the URL and opened in the browser it was ok.

I have installed 11.3 from GNOME LIVE CD. While installing my Network Connection was down.

I have installed 11.3 from GNOME LIVE CD. While installing my Network Connection was down.

I think the network down explains it. Even as you have all the required software on the CD for a complete install, it automatically tries to update everything over the internet.

Thank You,

For my DSL connection I will have to do PPPoe dialing. So while installing there will be no Network i.e DSL. So what’s alternative ?

What to do now?

i suggest install it as ususal there would be no problem(expectedly)u can add repos afterwords if they are not added

What to do now?

The installer normally looks for dsl connections during the configuration stage. If this isn’t working for you with autoconfiguration, run YaST > Network Devices > Network Settings and configure your dsl from there.

Another alternative would be to disable autoconfiguration during the install and set things up manually.

I don’t use Gnome myself, so I hope those instructions for YaST work in gnome too.

I searched the forum for previous version for similar error. The solution there worked. I went to YAST -> Repositories and removed all the repositories. Re-added them. the error messages are gone. Thanks for all you people for help.