Error message when I start my computer

I am running openSUSE and getting the following error message when I boot up my computer:

“User’s $HOME/dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User’s $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.”

How do I correct this problem?

Your help will be appreciated.

If you want to change permissions for this file, open Konsole (Terminal). Type “su” (at this point you need root password).
Then type

chmod 644 /patch/to/the/file/.dmrc

ps.: the file is “.dmrc”, not “dmrc”

I hope this helps.

Thank you for helping me. When I entered the code you supplied, I got this reply, “chmod: cannot access `/patch/to/the/file/.dmrc’: No such file or directory”.

I failed to mention that I have the Gnome desktop.

> Thank you for helping me. When I entered the code you supplied, I got
> this reply, “chmod: cannot access `/patch/to/the/file/.dmrc’: No such
> file or directory”.

ok…ram88 expected you to know that YOU have to provide the CORRECT
“path to the file” (path, not patch–he made a simple typo)

the correct path on YOUR machine is not known by us…but, let me
ASSUME your user name on that box is ‘explorer716’, then it is probably:


DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

I’m sorry. That was an important thing, and of course thanks for the correction DenverD! :wink:

> I’m sorry. That was an important thing, and of course thanks for the
> correction DenverD! :wink:

NO, do not be sorry…we all do it…

yesterday i told a guy to sign in as root…and, he answered: HUH?

but, same day i got a guy who obviously didn’t need a step by step,
who said i wrote a LONG but unhelpful ‘article’…

can’t win for losing…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon