Suddenly after a routine update my browser stopped working, the reported error is ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
If I try pinging a website by name, e.g., I got an error message saying unknown name or service
If I ping an IP address, e.g. I get a reply
Nslookup doesn’t work neither for website names nor for IP addresses, in both cases says connection timed out, no servers could be reached.
Apologies for not having a precise cut and paste of the outputs but at the moment I am writing from my mobile, which is connected to the same network by the way.
Your ping test suggests a system problem, not limited to the web browser.
What kind of update happened?
Did you try rebooting?
You may not have to reboot, did you try restarting your network service with the following command?
systemctl restart network
You didn’t do a system upgrade from a prior version of openSUSE recently?
It was one of the routine updates, that yes, required a restart, which I did.
I also tried your suggestion, but it did not work.
To add a possible useful detail, I can access the devices on my home network (NAS, router), nothing outside that. Could it be a DNS issue? My router has a default DNS that cannot be changed, but I’m unsure whether my computer actually used that.
If desired you can explicitly set it by directly editing this file directly, or preferably by modifying your NetworkManager connection with an explicit DNS server, or if using wicked (then you can configure via YaST).
The grep command gives back an empty string, so I tried to manually set them from network manager.
I tried to use the Google DNS first, and my router after, but in both cases I still get the same error from the browser. Actually it looks the only thing I can do is ping website by their IP, not by their names, even connecting to repositories doesn’t happen
Yes, I did restart the connection after every single attempt, with the command I just learnt from one of the above replies, i.e. systemctl restart network
the first line points to my router’s IP, the other two to google’s DNS.
I haven’t tried it yet, but I presume is going to be a pain using any wifi hotspot for which I do not know the router’s IP?