I have tried to setup my son’s computer to connect to our Epson ET-2720 printer but every time whether I install the .PPD from epson’s site or through yast software I get this message from CUPS:
|[EPSON_ET2720](http://localhost:631/printers/EPSON_ET2720)|Epson ET2720|Office|Epson ET-2720 Series - epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.18-1lsb3.2 (Seiko Epson Corporation LSB 3.2)|Idle - "File "/opt/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr/cups/lib/filter/epson-escpr-wrapper" not available: No such file or directory"|
I have been able to setup the same printer before on the same computer and my own computer but I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
Isn’t the driver supposed to be installed through Epson’s site, or through the repo?
For some weird reason when you download the latest .rpm driver file Ver. 1.7.18(01-2022) from EPSON Download Center , the file’s extension is .rmp and not .rpm.
I got it to work by changing the extension and did:
Interesting. I went and tried again with Firefox, and it IS Firefox that wants to save with .rMp extension… I tried with Chromium, and it saves with .rpm extension.
I did manage to fix it though on my son’s computer and now he can print AND scan on the updated Leap 15.3
Thank you so much for your time and effort. Greatly appreciated.