eMule for Suse


I am a newbie in Linux platform.

My doubt is : I had been using eMule in M$ Windows and have downloaded several files. Now I have installed SUSE in my system. Is it possible to install eMule in my system and continue with those downloads ?

I heard that there is something called “amule”. I love to have “eMule” back rather than any other mule.:slight_smile:

Thanx for any guidance,



tvks wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a newbie in Linux platform.
> My doubt is : I had been using eMule in M$ Windows and have downloaded
> several files. Now I have installed SUSE in my system. Is it possible to
> install eMule in my system and continue with those downloads ?
> I heard that there is something called “amule”. I love to have “eMule”
> back rather than any other mule.:slight_smile:
> Thanx for any guidance,
> Regards,
> tvks
look for it at the Packman repositories, also some eMule Windows clients will run using Wine

Suse 11.0 x64, Kde 4.1beta (factory repo), Opera 9.x weekly

Amule has actually near the same gui so i found no difference in actual using

Is Amule the best or are there better ones?

I think it’s the best if you are used to the windoze version

Was just curious having never used Emule.
Preferred using newsgroups and torrents.

Does Amule have problems with many bogus mangled music files like is the case with Kazaa and such, p2ps on windoze?

Yes it has. A lot of users there seem to enjoy in sharing fake files. I don’t use it any more. I do prefere instead frostwire and vuze (bittorrent)

What is that link about? aMule is provided by Packman, so there is no need to download it via Rapidshare.