EDID info?

Hi all,

I have a dual monitor problem, like many others, but mine may be fairly simple and I have not yet found the answer on this forum.

When I boot up my pc, and OpenSUSE 11.4 (kde 4.6) begins, I only have one active monitor yet both are hooked up. I have activated the proprietary driver for my NVIDIA GEForce 9600, and I can make it appear via the nvidia settings, twinview. How do I make it so I don’t have to do this every time? I am guessing it has something to do with the EDID for the other monitor. But, just what do I have to do? I click on “get edid” and then it leaves it up to me and that is, at this point in my linux career, a bad idea…
The monitor that doesn’t turn on automatically is a DELL 1907FP (according to the Nvidia settings… I appreciate any help. Thanks!

I have activated the proprietary driver for my NVIDIA GEForce 9600, and I can make it appear via the nvidia settings, twinview. How do I make it so I don’t have to do this every time?

For persistence, when using the proprietary nvidia driver, create a working /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with ‘nvidia-xconfig’ first. Open a terminal, and become root with

sudo nvidia-xconfig

Enter your root password when prompted. This reference may be useful to you.

When done, start ‘nvidia-settings’ with root privileges

kdesu nvidia-settings

This should be able to configure your dual screen setup as you like it. When done, there is an option to save your settings to xorg.conf. Restart the X-server for the changes to take effect: CTRL-ALT-Backspace (twice).

I am guessing it has something to do with the EDID for the other monitor. But, just what do I have to do? I click on “get edid” and then it leaves it up to me and that is, at this point in my linux career, a bad idea…

No, its not an EDID issue. AFAIU its an Xorg/driver related behaviour.