DVD drive hangs while installing software

I hope this is the right forums for this question.

I am trying to install extras software from the opensuse 11.1 DVD but it hangs. Here is the info Yast2 log shows.

1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] MediaCD.cc(attachTo):293 next 0 last -1 last tried -1
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] MediaCD.cc(detectDevices):231 Found 1 cdrom drive udis
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] MediaCD.cc(detectDevices):261 Found /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_CDDVDW_TS_L633L: cdrom</dev/sr0[11,0]>
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] MediaCD.cc(attachTo):358 count 0
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <2> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp] MediaCD.cc(closeTray):205 Close tray /dev/sr0 failed (Input/output error)
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] MediaHandler.cc(createAttachPoint):393 Trying to create attach point in /var/adm/mount
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp] PathInfo.cc(_Log_Result):292 mkdir /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000003 00755
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp] MediaHandler.cc(createAttachPoint):370 Created default attach point /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000003
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] ExternalProgram.cc(start_program):210 Executing ‘/bin/mount’ ‘-t’ ‘iso9660’ ‘-o’ ‘ro’ ‘/dev/sr0’ ‘/var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000003’
2009-01-23 00:41:32 <1> linux-bhhn(4515) [zypp++] ExternalProgram.cc(start_program):354 pid 4668 launched

Also when I click the cdrom icon on mycomputer, I get the warning window saying “you can stop this operation by clicking cancle”, and then another window pops up saying "Unable to mount(Dbus error org.freedesktop.dbus, did not receive any reply, possible causes: remote application did not send any reply)

Please any help would be appreciated.

Have you done this:

YAST >> Security and Users >> User Management >> “select your user” >> Edit >> Details >> Groups >> check “cdrom” and “disk” and then click on “ACCEPT”.

I was already in disk and cdrom groups. Then I added myself to every possible to groups and still same errors.

I think it has to do something with hal and Dbus.

Any other suggestion, please.

Hello community,
Any sugggestion on this problem… please…