dump command

I would like to use the original dump command to run on openSuse 12.3 as is discussed in the fourth edition of the Unixand Linux system Administration Handbook to back up my system using dump (page 307) I haven’t found a download for this. Can anyone help? I would appreciate this. email is lat18long66@hughes.net

Hi marinerojoven,

welcome to openSUSE. Dump is available in the standard OSS repository. (I can only check for 12.2 but I am quite sure it should available in 12.3, too.)
You can install it via YaST - Software Management. Or on the console.
Run as root:

zypper in dump

If it is not available, proabably you have to add the repository, first. YaST - Software Repositories.
The address is


With zypper, I am not sure. You can check

man zypper

Have a lot of fun!

Thank-you. Found and downloaded with no problem. I guess I’m a control freak and don’t like GUIs. This is a big help.

On 2013-10-03 18:56, marinerojoven wrote:
> Kasi…
> Thank-you. Found and downloaded with no problem. I guess I’m a control
> freak and don’t like GUIs. This is a big help.

Please be aware that dump is “old” and not all filesystems support it.
You will have to check.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

Yes, after re-thinking my post I thought I might have mentioned alternatives. “dd” is a good tool to copy whole partitions etc. for frequent backups you could use “rsync”. I personally like “unison”, as it can be operated completely in bash / silent mode or with GUI e.g. for trouble shooting or convenience…

However, dump supports etx4. At least is should run in a recent standard setup.