Dual Screen

Hey everyone I noticed something a little weird when I hook up my notebook to my TV through the HDMI port I get a Dual Screen between my notebook and the TV I’ve already tried to adjust the settings that gives me the option of when monitor I wanna use but it still does the dual screen and I’ve tried rebooting and same issue. My notebook is a HP Pavillion DV6T-3100CTO running Opensuse Leap 42.2 and my chipset is Intel.

So what are you actually trying to achieve? Which desktop environment are you using?

What I’m trying to achieve is my ability to watch movies I download and when I hook up my TV I get a split screen. My main screen on my notebook and icons that show up on my TV and when I open VLC only half shows up on my TV. Hopefully this helps you understand what I’m trying to do.

I forgot to say what desktop I’m using. I’m using the KDE Desktop

Adjust the position of the window. Once positioned and sized right click the top and select more action and Special application settings. Make settings so the Window is always on the second screen and sized correctly

I wish I had a picture to show you guys what I’m talking about. On my notebook its normal desktop and when I open a application it shows up normal on the notebook. When I hook up my TV via HDMI all it shows is desktop with icons and when I open up a window it shows up normal on the laptop screen but only half shows up on the TV and I can’t adjust or move it it won’t let me. I’ve went into settings and opened up the display settings and it shows the notebook monitor and my tv but I can’t select one or the another like for instance when I have my other HDD hooked up with Win 10 Pro 64 Bit when I hook up the TV it shuts off the notebook monitor and I have a TV as a monitor but I don’t get the same set up it don’t shut off the monitor on the notebook it splits it almost like having two monitors hooked up.

You do have two monitors the one on the notebook and the external one. You have to set things for two monitors in the KDE configure desktop monitor setup

Okay how do I go about setting it up? I read a few forums but those don’t seem to be working. I’m sorry I’m still learning new things everyday :wink:

Am I able to run Xrandr and adjust through the config file or through terminal? Or is there a easier way to set it up?

Well you can certainly use xrandar but you should be able to do it in configure desktop also probably easier

Okay thanks for all the help. I appreciate it