Dual screen laptop+22" 1680*1050 problem

Hello. I tried this manual

Multiple Screens Using XRandR - openSUSE

Partly worked for me. My display Samsung 225mw work even without any commands, but resolution is not correct. Without any editing of xorg.conf the picture stretched too far to the right and down, so I can’t see what is on the screen in these locations.

WITH using this manual I was able to get it work correct only to match the sise of the monitor, but resolution is still 1280*800 (as my notebook).

Any suggestions?

xrandr showed me that my 22" monitor use 1024*768 mode… don’t understand why…

My graphic card is intel 945, open Suse 11.1.
Laptop resolution 1280800
Samsung 1680

Seems like an awfully hard way to get something simple archieved in my opinion. Try the following:

YaST Control Center > Hardware > Graphics card and Monitor
Mark the checkbox for “Dual head” mode, hit the configure button set it up as you want it it to, save the changes and log out / log back in to restart the x server.