Dual Monitors

Can someone tell me how painful (or painless) getting openSUSE 12.1 (32-bit if it matters) to spread a single (GNOME 3) desktop spread across two monitors (same make/model/resolution)?

If specs matter here we go:

Machine: Lenovo W520 (laptop)
GFX Card: Discreet mode (NVIDIA)
Port Replicator provides two DVI ports
Two DELL 24" LCD displays

openSUSE 12.1 is using the nouveau driver.

Thanks for any feedback

I’m not a Gnome 3 user, but part of the solution may involve this step:

Fix Dual Monitors in GNOME 3 (aka My Workspaces are Broken!) | Greg Cordts’ Blog

Since you are using the noveau driver, any changes you make with xrandr (or Gnome’s control center GUI) should be applied. (Anyone using the nvidia driver of course, will usethe nvidia-settings utility instead).

On Thu, 03 May 2012 19:46:02 +0000, jwomack wrote:

> Can someone tell me how painful (or painless) getting openSUSE 12.1
> (32-bit if it matters) to spread a single (GNOME 3) desktop spread
> across two monitors (same make/model/resolution)?

I plug my laptop into an HDMI port for a projector, and getting it
working is a piece of cake in GNOME3.

Just go into the display settings and turn the output on. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
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