Dual boot help

I have installed SUSE 11.1 i586 on a single IDE PATA.
I then put back my SATA raid disc with windows xp3 on it.
I can of course boot from bios into each but I gues I have to edit grub with supergrub disc ?
So that suse boot windows option works (sees correct disc) instead of NTLDIR error.
Can anybody tell me how to do this ?
The web site for supergrub disc does not seem to cover this situation although I have searched.
Extra info: 2 discs (232 is SATA)
Natural, linux-ide,linux-scsi,grub, hurd etc
1 hda sda (hd0) hd0 186GB
2 hdb sdb (hd0) hd1 232Gb

1 hda1 sda1 (hd0,0) hdOs1 HPFS/NTFs 62GBwin
2 hda5 sda5 (hd0,4) hdOs5 Swap 2GB
3 hda6 sda6 (hd0,5) hdOs6 swap 2GB
4 hda7 sda7 (hd0,6) hdOs7 20GB SUSE
5 hda8 sda8 (hd0,7) hdOs8 100GB

I am an absolute beginner ! So if its quicker to re-install with windows in place ??
AS it is raid disc and you have to use floppies to re-install I didn’t want to screw up the windows disc hence 1 disc at a time.
If somebody can do the alternative of a re-install guidance with partition sizes on the idedisc and satadiscs ?
Grateful for any help