drum@linux-myl1:~> dropbox start -i
Starting Dropbox…Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/dropbox”, line 359, in handle_data_waiting
progress, status = self.one_chunk.next()
File “/usr/bin/dropbox”, line 211, in download_file_chunk
File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/StringIO.py”, line 213, in write
File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/StringIO.py”, line 40, in _complain_ifclosed
raise ValueError, “I/O operation on closed file”
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
Sorry to say so but i am totally new to openSUSE, when i right-click on the dropboxmap to delete i have a message that says: Toegang tot /home/drum/.local/share/Trash/files/Dropbox geweigerd. it means i have no acces?
yes, how i can vieuw hidden folders, it seems that the combination of ctrl+H not working in opensuse as in debian.
Is there a terminalcommand to delete dropbox?
Using dropbox or kfilebox doesn’t give any of these errors.
BTW, I’d like to see the permissions of the shared folder, can you post the output of
where COMPLETE_PATH_TO and SHARED_FOLDER are separated by a “/” and COMPLETE_PATH_TO means .for example /home/drum and SHARED_FOLDER the name of the dropbox share.
And that’s the folder you configured? Mind, linux is case-sensitive, so Dropbox is not the same as dropbox.
To be honest, I don’t understand what you’re doing. IIRC I did nothing more than start dropbox, an icon came up in the system tray, I told configured it with path /home/knurpht/Dropbox , user credentials and that was it.
I had the same problem the first time I followed that tutorial… The reason for my problem was that I forgot to logout as root after the installation was complete… So the start command was run as root… This caused the dropbox folder to have root permissions! My advice: Remove the dropbox folder and run the start command as your normal user. One way of doing this, my personal preference, is by opening Dolphin as superuser.
Start krunner by pressing alt+F2 and entering the following:
kdesu dolphin
Now you can remove the dropbox folder like you normally would. Be sure not to do anything else as you are now a superuser and can do a lot of damage easily.
Now open up a terminal and enter the start command for dropbox: