Optical Drive- ASUS and Samsung Dual layer 20x DVD Burner
PSU- Corsair TX750
Display- Samsung 26inch LCD TV
Now I’ve got Open SUSE 11 x64 on 160GB HDD, XP SP2 x64 on 400GB HDD and Vista Ultimate on 640GB HDD.
Till now my SUSE is in its native state, i.e. no device driver has been installed on it becoz of one simple reason, I don’t know how! I’m totally n00b at it. I read the readme files but couldn’t make out something cohesive out of it.
I downloaded the Audio and LAN drivers from ASUS’s site and GPU’s from ATi’s site.
The Audio driver has 2 tarballs, one tagged as RHEL4 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and other tarball just named Linux or to be more precise “realtek-linux-audiopack-5.01.tar” The LAN driver is actually source code which needs to be compiled and run but how. readme file indicates that a binary must be created using rpmbuild -tb command but I don’t know how to exactly use it. Its man and info page wasn’t much helpful either.
The GPU driver is a different story altogether. Its a .run file which I don’t know how to run (pun unintended)
It didn’t have any readme file either.
Please help me folks to sort out this mess.
-Audio -Realtek Audio Linux Driver 5.01.
Source path: \LinuxDrivers\Audio\
DownLoad URL: http://www.realtek.com.tw/
-LAN -Atheros L1e Linux Driver V1.0.0.7.
Source path: \LinuxDrivers\LAN\
DownLoad URL: http://support.atheros.com/
GPU driver file name
Hi, and Welcome!
Do not cry it’s easy.
First install the video driver to see what’s happening on your screen. Take a look to this: ATI - openSUSE. And read the openSUSE 10.3 and openSUSE 11.0 section, and follow the instructions. Just a few clicks.
Lan: this should be ok. Are you connected to the internet?
Audio: can you hear any system sound, anything? If yes, then you don’t need to install any driver.
Good luck.
Hmm, sounds like you are a bit confused. Most drivers are built-in,only a few,like wireless/graphics occasional sound-cards, are not,due to manufacturers not providing them.
I have the same motherboard. The audio drivers should be built into the the kernel, so don’t worry about that (you’ll probably have to unmute or turn up the levels to get it to work).
The buiilt in NIC is a different story. The drivers aren’t built into the kernel until the 2.6.27 series kernels. Your best bet is you’re tied to SUSE is to get 11.1 RC and it will just work (or wait until it’s publicly released). You could also try ubuntu 8.10 or Fedora 10 as both of these have been released with the new kernel.
Thank you all for such quick response but as I said, I’m new to all this so would really appreciate it if for this one time u gave me the steps to do the needful in the code form, i.e. in the Code block. @ram88
Dude the link given by u had the exact thing I was dreading of, too much information, couldn’t make out what was the implication.
Just tell me:
Audio drivers- How to run the tarball?
GPU Drivers- How to run the .run file?
LAN Drivers- How to compile the code and run the resultant binary file?
Will be highly obliged and thankful to you all for the deed.
Okay, then step-by-step:
Open this ATI - openSUSE link in Firefox (you’ll find the icon on the desktop). Here under the title openSUSE 10.3 and openSUSE 11.0 click to the image like this one: http://files.opensuse.org/opensuse/en/2/21/1-click.png. Now Firefox asks you: what to do with this file? Select Open with YaST Meta Package Handlert (selected by default), and hit the OK button and wait. After just Next, Next (like a windows install :)), at the warning window hit Yes. YaST will ask you for the root password. Type into the box and hit OK again. YaST downloads and installs the driver for you. Thats all.
Test your sound: Open YaST (search for it in Application Launcher Menu). Once it’s started in the left panel select Hardware -> Sound. Select your sound card hit the Other button and select Volume. Here play with these scrollbars and hit the Test button. Maybe you can hear something
ps.: As newbie, it would be hard to compile and load kernel modules, to configure, enter to the Matrix etc. It’s much easier.
Boss the very problem is this that I’m not using SUSE right now, I’m on Vista and no point in switching to SUSE untill I get it on the network and the LAN drivers are the ones neede to be compiled so need the proper procedure for the issues.
Okay. Can you provide me a download link to your LAN driver’s package? Or send it by e-mail? I want to take a look to the readme and to the package, after I give you detailed instructions.
ps.: I can’t login to the site http://support.atheros.com.
First thing you need to do is: Copy the LinuxDrivers.zip into your home directory. Create here a new directory with name atheros. Now extract the LinuxDrivers.zip archive, and the contents of this directory:AR8121-linux-ver1.0.0.7 inside LinuxDrivers/LAN/ drop into the directory atheros.
Now open your terminal and type (in KDE called Konsole, in Gnome Terminal):
cd ~/atheros/src/
Check that you are in the right place, type
If you see the file called Makefile then you are in the right directory, type (you need root password here):
sudo make install
I hope the installation finishes without any error.
Just one thing left:
insmod arl1e
The other things, like IP configuration, DHCP, etc. go to YaST -> Network Devices -> Network Settings.
Good luck.
I do know how to configure the network, that’s no problem. DE I’m using is KDE 4.1
Now the main thing, the driver file I’ve has directory structure something like this:
LAN>AR8121-linux-ver1.0.0.7>(This has 4 files and a folder named src)src.
This src folder has all .c and .h files plus one makefile.
Now what should be my directory structure in Linux?
Should it be under / or /usr/sbin?
Rudick, typically for Linux, one does NOT need the audio drivers from the suppliers site. My experience is most of the time, the manufacturers audio drivers work WORSE than the alsa (or OSS) drivers. So I do not recommend using those audio drivers unless you have no other choice and have explored all other options (to get sound functioning).
I think you were told that before (in a previous post) but perhaps were told so in more diplomatic terms.
Sorry for double posting but here’s the scenario now.
By default Speakers are working i.e. Sound is available but 2 problems with it too.
Audio level is too low, audible sound is only available when I crank up the volume to the full from the speaker’s remote even though sound is at 100 in Amarok.
Which drivers are you using? You made a few posts about a determination to use the manufacturer’s drivers. Its important we know whose drivers.
If using alsa driver (that comes with openSUSE) then sometimes one can improve volume levels by going to YaST > Hardware > Sound > Options > Volume and move the slider bars there up to about 60% to 80% (you need to find a level that does not introduce distortion).
Note 5.1 sound can be tricky. Sometimes it can be made to function by judicious mixer adjustments. Other times, if the audio chipset is new, it will need an update to alsa sound driver. Other times it may require a special .asoundrc file. I don’t have a 5.1 sound system, so I can not provide much guidance there. The best place to go for 5.1 sound system guidance is the IRC channel #alsa (but you need your PC functioning on the internet to go there).
Some tests for 2 channel and multi-channel sound:
Two channel (copy and paste this into a kde konsole or a gnome-terminal): speaker-test -c2 -l5 -twav
Multi channel (copy and paste this into a kde konsole or a gnome-terminal): speaker-test -c6 -l5 -twav
You should hear a ladies voice with that test repeating the speaker positions 5 times. You can change it from 5 to more by changing “-l5” to “-l10” (for ten times) …
As for the LAN driver compilation, here’s what I did.
I made a Atheros directory under /Atheros which I paste the AR8121 directory and all of its contents. The what I did can be explained better by this screenshot:
The GPU is still standing and so is Audio one, in a way. :\ :([/QUOTE]
You will need to install and prep the kernel sources and also install the build environment so that you can compile modules and stuff for your system.
Use yast`s software section to install gcc, make, and kernel source, kernel syms and anything else
When these are installed ( you do not really need this next bitbut it does help and only takes 5 secs ) cd to /usr/src/linux as root.
Then issue:
make cloneconfig
make prepare
after that has finished cd back to where the Ati installer is and issue as root still:
sh ati<blah-blah>.run
then follow the prompts on the screen, when it has finished issue:
aticonfig --initial -f
This should configure the driver.
As others have mentioned the sound drivers are built in the kernel, you say the output is low? try moving the PCM slider up not just the Volume slider, try them all
I did the speaker test and only front left and front right channels are working, no audio output from remaining 3 channels. So tell me how to install the speaker’s drivers.
As for LAN drivers, still some error. Check the screenshot for that. BTW i installed all the packages as mentioned by ram88.
What drivers? You have not told us what drivers you are using? Did you install the Asus driver tarballs (I hope not) or are you using the alsa drivers?