Download for MozillaFirefox 60.4.0

I have Firefox 60.4.0 esr on my other laptop
and having difficulty finding the download for
Leap 42.3 Firefox rpm

When I use
it only installs 52.2.0 esr

I really want the YAST or rpm or zypper command to get 60.4.0 esr

Thanks in advance !

You should get that by doing updates – either Yast online update or

zypper up

in a root command line.

It should be in the update repo.

Maybe post the output from

zypper lr -d

so that we can check your configured repos. must be firefox-esr 60.4.0 in actuality.

Thanks for the rpm download
Before I upgrade, how do I completely remove the flash plug-in(s)?

I have
Shockwave Flash 13.1. r2
Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to completely uninstall these.

Thanks in advance !