Hi every1,
I recently installed vlc media player by following these steps as given on the vlc site as follows
*"First, add a new repository (installation source) in YaST (YaST2 -> Software -> Installation Sources)
Replace <SUSE Version> in the Directory above with your installed SuSE Version. Supported at this time are :
Confirm the addition.
The repository is signed with a GPG Key (gpg key C8DA93D2 fingerprint BC8D 780D E330 8581 B2E0 7085 33DE 8FB7 C8DA 93D2). Accept this key in YaST and it will warn you in case there is something suspect with the repository.
Accept everything by clicking Finish.
Go to Software Management and enter VLC in the searchbox and search for it. Select it and click Accept to install it with all it’s dependencies. This might require the SUSE CD or DVD.
If you want VLC’s Mozilla Plugin, you have to select the vlc-mozillaplugin manually. It does not get installed by dependencies.
You’re done with the installation. Have a lot of Fun."
But I soon found out that the player refuses to play subtitles that are accompanied by the .srt files.
I have used the previous version of vlc n it worked fine. It played the subtitles also.
But as the player is being installed online I don’t kno how to downgrade it to 8.6 version from the current 9.6 version.
Please help.
Also I’m very new to linux so please guide me as guiding a child.
Just an FYI, YaST can also show what versions are installed & available. Click on the version tab on software management & see what is available/installed. By clicking on the version you want and clicking accept, it will be installed if available
IMHO having both Packman and Videlan repositories enabled will cause no end of problems if one is not familiar with the problems that can arise, and not familiar with how to solve them. So if you enable Packman, be certain to leave Video_Lan disabled.
Thanx for so many suggestions…
They all were very nice. But in Yast when I look for the version of the vlc media player it always says 9.6a is available.
I want to install the 8.6f version which is not available in yast.
I have the tar file of the version that i had downloaded but i don’t kno how I shud replace the installed 9.6a version with the installation from the tar file.
will the commands ./configure
make install
work n replace the installed version???
9.6a ? The version on Packman is vlc-0.9.8a. If you only see 9.6a in YaST, then you have not setup your repositories correctly, and you have not adequately followed the advice given to you already on this thread.
If you compile the older version via ./configure, make and make install It may replace the older version, but your rpm database will still show the newer version. Thats not a good way to do things. Not at all. I do not know why you wish to downgrade from 9.6a to 8.6f, but if you do, then I recommend you try building an rpm, and install via rpm.
ie … install the application “checkinstall” and instead try:
su (to get root permissions)
and then downgrade using the rpm created by checkinstall.
But again, I can not understand why you wish to do that downgrade.