Dolphin settings

KDE 4.3.1 - Dolphin > Settings > Configure Dolphin. The “Apply” button does not highlight or work. The “OK” button does not change settings. Even running as root.

Anyone come across this?

No issues like that here. You could try re-naming all your dolphin config files in hidden home section, it would be a bit drastic to start a complete new .kde4
You can test it by creating a new user, login there and see if the same is true there. If it works ok, then you know you have some borked config files in .kde4

Odd solution. As soon as I went to “View Modes” and selected a different “Custom Font”, the apply button highlighted and I was able to change to “Details” view and save the setting. On checking if it had set, the setting had reverted to “Icons” view BUT Dolphin now starts in “Details” view and with the applied font.

Thanks for the suggestion.