Dolphin Segmentation fault

Dolphin has been crashing for me for the last few days, any feedback/ideas are welcomed
dolphin has been crashing somewhat regularly when I try to change a setting, when I run it from konsole this is the error I get

me@linux:~> dolphin
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
QLayout: Cannot add a null widget to QVBoxLayout/
initialization OK, home trash dir: “/home/me/.local/share/Trash”
“Tag ‘b’ is not defined in message {<kuit_internal_top><para>Check this box to allow <b>automatic deletion</b> o…}.”
“Tag ‘b’ is not defined in message {<kuit_internal_top><para>Check this box to allow <b>automatic deletion</b> o…}.”
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout “” to PreviewsSettingsPage “”, which already has a layout
Segmentation fault

I read somewhere that the kate bug (kate was not closing and I had multiple kate windows spawning at plasma startup) was fixed in 15.12 in the KDE repo’s so I upgraded kate to 15.12
I also upgraded lxqt to 0.10 from the lxqt repo but that one should not interfere with dolphin, but I noticed that some not all of lxqt 0.10 needs Qt 5.5 and can’t handle Qt 5.5.1.
After the crashes I downgraded kate to 15.08.3 from the update repo but I still get Segmentation faults in dolphin, I created a new user to check if it’s me but dolphin crashes there too.
any ideas?

I also noticed I have dolphin4 installed and I don’t remember installing it, I know it shouldn’t but could the kde4 dolphin be causing plasma5’s dolphin headache’s?