In Dolphin Drag and Drop from btrfs/ext4 to fat32 throws an error which references the file with an additional dot at the end. Copy (or Move) however is made, but often followed by a crash of dolphin.
The fat32 is mounted in fstab with this entry
a message box pops up and states ‘access denied’ and refers to the destination where the file should be copied/moved to. When closing the message box the file is indeed copied/moved despite the message and dolphin likely crashes (not always). Independent of file size. Happens also for small files.
Ok, that is the error message. And that . at the end is of course simply the end of the message, not part of the file name
Typically something about ownership and permissions. Which is of course on non-Linux file systems extra tricky, because they do not exist there and are mimicked.
Your fstab entry does state that the group mimicked should be gid=users, but it does not say anything about the user (uid=). Thus the owner is probably root, but that may depend on which user did the mount as allowed by the users option.
Well, as in every case where some application says it has a permission problem, check what it is:
ls -l /windows/e/_benutzer/test.mp3
and the path leading to it:
ls -ld /windows /windows/e /windows/e/_benutzer
And we also want to know what the user is that has this permission problem.
your issue is with root priveliges
I’ve found that the best way to access windows partitions is with polkit not with fstab
if it was me I’d remove that line from fstab and create the file /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-udisks2.rules
kdesu kate /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-udisks2.rules
and paste this
// See the polkit(8) man page for more information
// about configuring polkit.
// Allow udisks2 to mount devices without authentication
// for users in the "users" group.
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (( == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system" || == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount") &&
subject.isInGroup("users")) {
return polkit.Result.YES;
the above would grant full priveliges to external file systems to all members of the group users
if you want to limit filesystem access you can create a new group ie storage and add only a select user to that group
this is the way I access windows partitions, partitions are not mounted on boot but on demand and I don’t need to mess with root privileges
on the downside you can’t copy a file to windows until you mount it but if you use a gui file manager that is trival as all file managers will auto mount
Your ls output shows the owner as root, so only root is allowed to write those files. You need to improve your mount settings in fstab so the device is mounted (and therefore, owned, which means the files will be pseudo-owned, by the user and not by root). Either that, or your mount must specify the permissions 777 (or rwxrwxrwx) in order for all users to write the files. Note that your permissions for all users is r-x, no write privilege.
polkit is not a solution since the drive is needed after startup. So umask=0000 yields 777 but the strange behaviour persists. Finally I had to set uid=username in fstab and that works. Only the other users still get this errormessage (while -strange enough- the file gets moved despite the message).