Dolphin and nfs shares

This is the set up
1 server with ldap for authentication and autofs maps

2 client machines have home directories on this server ( nfs3)
these machines also have some ‘shared’ directories on the
same server ( nfs4)

Now if I use a terminal I can always create files in the shared
directories (subject to the relevant permissions) - I can also
always save files in OO and the like

The problem is that Dophin sometimes has the create greyed
out …and sometimes it doesn’t … so now I am at a loss as
to why

This is 11.2 with kde 4.4.3 btw

Any ideas ?



I can only say that the ability to select “/file/create new” in Dolphin is all about user permissions in the default folder you have Dolphin looking at. And, this changes on-the-fly as you move around the Linux file structure. I would take note of the files in your present folder and to whom they belong when you see this option come and go.

Thank You,