Doesnt boot to a GUI..

When I boot my OS that I made I get to a console thing, and I chose graphical mode! I tried Startx and startKDE (thats what I use) and that doesnt work to start the GUI. Why is this happening?

Have I missed installing something? I cant exactly run things from a console and I dont know any commands to run because I am a n00b.


Try booting the failsafe option. What happens?
Tell us about your graphics device…

> When I boot my OS that I made

what OS did you make, and how did you make it?

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

Welcome here.

You should at least tell what openSUSE level you use.

Do you mean graphics card?

Also, theres no option to boot to failsafe.

I used SUSE Studio.


I don’t know where to find what the openSUSE level I use. I think its 11.4?

I can show 2 screenshots I got. (I use testdrive.)

This is the screen I get when I boot

This is the screen I get when I write startx / startkde

Any help? Because I dont understand ANYTHING.

On 2011-10-17 13:56, Titowam wrote:
> caf4926;2394426 Wrote:
>> Try booting the failsafe option. What happens?
>> Tell us about your graphics device…
> Do you mean graphics card?

Of course.

> Also, theres no option to boot to failsafe.

Yes, there is. The very first boot menu.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 2011-10-17 13:56, Titowam wrote:

> I used SUSE Studio.

Why, if you are a novice, did you use that, instead of the standard
distribution? We can not know if you goofed at the creation or if it is
something else…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

I dont see a boot menu at the start. And my graphics card is… Im not sure if this is the graphics card, but its a Intel 946GZ Express Chipset Family…

I have absolutely no idea.

On 10/17/2011 01:56 PM, Titowam wrote:

> I used SUSE Studio.

ok as a self proclaimed n00b, instead of using a ready built (and known
usable Linux distribution, you decided to make your own–i applaude your
initiative and courage…

however, when it didn’t work as you expected you asked these two
questions, which i will now try to answer:

Question 1: Why is this happening?

A: i have an idea it is happening because of the answer to question 2,

Question 2: Have I missed installing something?

A: seems highly likely that either something is missing as you guessed,
or something destructive was added, or the package selection is
exactly correct but the default setup is broken, or the precise mix
of software and setup options just won’t work together, *or some
combination of all the preceding, or something else entirely…

let me suggest two things:

  1. go to and download a Live CD image,
    then burn the install disk, check it this way, then boot from the disk and run it that way
    for a while…if you like it, you can install it…

  2. if you wish to learn more about SUSE Studio, how to use it (including
    how to deal with the kinds of errors you are having) please recognize
    that these are the openSUSE forums (at were
    we try to help folks with known working software downloaded from (and not unknown software mixes blended at SUSE
    studios, who also have a forum at

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

But did you try failsafe?

You could also try pressing F3 at the boot menu screen and select VESA, then hit enter, does that help?

Do you know what you are doing?

I expect 11.4 from the official downloads works?

On 2011-10-17 14:36, Titowam wrote:
> robin_listas;2394518 Wrote:
>> On 2011-10-17 13:56, Titowam wrote:
>>> I used SUSE Studio.
>> Why, if you are a novice, did you use that, instead of the standard
>> distribution? We can not know if you goofed at the creation or if it
>> is something else…

> I have absolutely no idea.

Then go here:

Click on the big “GET IT”.

Download one of the versions and install it. You have choices for 32/64
bits, Live CD Gnome/Kde, Full DVD… You can even buy it, which gives you
a month or so of paid install support.

Don’t forget to verify your download before installing.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)