DNS address could not be found

I am running opensuse 13.1 (yes I know it is no longer supported, and I am going to up grade)

Last night we lost power briefly and my laptop went off. This morning all the mobiles, tablets and laptop said they were connected, but no Internet. So I unplugged the router for a bit. When I plugged it back in again all the mobiles and tablets were working fine. However the laptop, using chromium gave the message “DNS address could not be found”, but I can receive email through Thunderbird.

I am sure this must be very easy to solve, but I don’t know how. Step by step instructions gratefully received.

I am sending this post on my android tablet. Thank you in advance.

Become privileged (‘root’) and then use Yast to look at your network
settings. On the other hand, if you are using Network Manager, then you
can configure everything from your desktop, but I do not know that to be
the case.

sudo /sbin/yast lan

Otherwise, let’s get some networking information from you:

ip a
ip r
ip -s link
grep -v '^#' /etc/resolv.conf
ping -c 2

Good luck.

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Thank you, I did that. I am not sure if that is what worked, but it is now working. The reason why I am not sure is it said the machine is using ‘Network Manager’ I did take photos of the screen, but as it working now I will not bother to post them.