
My father bought a smart tv from samsung last week.
for easy access the data (pictures and music) i was thinking of minidlna server.
OK it works here with openSUSE server and tablet and pocornhour.

i was happy but then i was disappointed. i don’t see how to set a password protection on dlna.
How can i protected the data over dlna protocol, thx?

AFAIK this is not possible. The only kind of password protection in DNLA servers I have seen so far is for there web frontends, through which you can browse the servers file-system, but not for media content.

DLNA is simply not designed for that. Also, think about the fact that it’s only the last couple of years that we can use keyboards on DLNA client devices.

On Sun, 29 Sep 2013 19:36:02 +0000, Knurpht wrote:

> Also, think about the fact that it’s only the last couple of years that
> we can use keyboards on DLNA client devices.

Arguably, that’s not a limiting factor - think of the on-screen keyboards
on Android devices or systems like the PS3. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
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