Disturbing times?

Is anyone surprised that my day/date should have jumped back about a year and needed me to manually re-adjust it?

This is like a user config error - rather than anything specifically wrong with OS.

Check your settings. Are you booting Windows as well?

I’ve been faffing around; Thanks, u’ve re-assured me.

You might be one of those ppl who are behind the times

> “swerdna” <swerdna@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote in
> message news:swerdna.3ju8pc@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org
> You might be one of those ppl who are behind the times

John Titor has this problem a lot.


I’d just suggest keeping your hand off that crystal knob on the time

Kim (12/3/2008 7:44:41 AM Mountain)

I want that feature !!

Can it be made to roll back, say 35 years? and more importantly, does one’s hair grow back also at the same time ? :slight_smile:

I see a market for this if proven to be repeatable. rotfl!

Hey oldcpu:

> I see a market for this if proven to be repeatable

You may be on to something.

Kim (12/3/2008 8:49:33 AM Mountain)

make sure your ntp is configured
yast > system > date and time > change .> synchronize with ntp server

Will it help Oldcpu’s hair?rotfl!

yast is great, but for that it would need to perform a bloody miracle.

For me it would have to be a 30 year time jump:P

How do you access the wish list?

how about standing outside late at night, with a sign

“Will do anything for time travel”

A craft will pick you up shortly

On 12/03/2008 oldcpu wrote:
> and more importantly, does one’s hair grow back also at the same time
> ? :slight_smile:

No thanks!