
Hi I have been using Suse 8.2 Pro and Suse 10 and now 10 is no longer supported. So I downloaded Suse 11 and at 2 gig it took 2 days. Well I burnt the ISO to DVD twice and both said it copied correctly and tried to reboot/install. The setup said there were missing repositaries and exited installation. I dont really feel like downloading another 2 gig to try again. So I installed Ubuntu 7.10 and it worked well for 3 weeks and even installed wine and I put XP Word on it and it was great. Ubuntu also sets up DVD Mpeg MP3 sound card etc in such a user friendly way.But suddenly kept freezing the windows of running applications, and it kept moving icons in the task bar (panel) and changing resolution each time I restarted so it was too unstable. I then downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and it also could not get files off the CD during install. I am happy with Suse 10 except Wine will not work on it, so I thought Suse 11.0 might support Wine. Now that Suse is not downloadable/installable and Ubuntu crashes, I wonder if Mandriva or Fedora is my only option.

I would still use Suse 10.0 but the mirrors to update libdvdcss to play mpeg DVD etc is not available any more.

Does anyone out there know how I can get mirrors to do this on Suse 10.0?

Am I the only one to have issues with downloading Linux or is it a Lucky Dip?

I desperately dont want to go back to XP and God Forbid Vista.

Is there a Linux Distribution that downloads/installs and is stable, or is Microsoft safe for a while yet?

Any advice will be appreciated.

Also there is nowhere on this forum to post a thread so I had to
reply to a thread and change the subject.

my email is davenangela@live.com if you can help. Dave

The OpenSuSE DVD is over 4.4gb.
When you download a big file, you should checksum the file to verify its integrity. If you are uncomfortable running a checksum, then download using Torrent which will automatically do that for you.

If your Internet connection is unreliable and you don’t want to wait the week or so to download by dialup, I’d recommend you purchase the DVD from a third party site… usually that would cost about $10 US.

Good Luck.

The iso image normally downloads correctly, but you should do the md5sum check as tsu2 points out.
For what I’ve seen most problems come later when burning the dvd. It should be burnt at the slowest speed available to avoid errors. An iso of an OS is not a movie dvd, in which an error in the recorded data just produces, e.g., a small pixelization in the image that might not be even noticed.
We need all bits correct in an OS.
So there might lay the reason of your problems. Once you have good media the installation process should be peformed easily and without a glitch.

And the repositories are there and should be added when you access software repositories in YaST after installation.

Good luck on that. :slight_smile:

Further to tsu2’s advice (and at the risk of (as we say in english) “closing the barn door after the horse has gone” ) you must do md5sum checks, and the installation DVD media check, after downloading and then after burning, the DVD. There is guidance here for the newbies to openSUSE-11.0:
NEWBIES - Suse-11.0 Pre-installation – PLEASE READ - openSUSE Forums

Please also note, you do not have to download the DVD. As pointed out you can purchase the commercial boxed DVD from Novell (which comes with paid for support as part of your purchase, via telephone), or you can purchase a 3rd party copy of the DVD from a 3rd party site with no such support (and no manual and a DVD of less burn quality) , but at a fraction of the price.

You can also download a liveCD (also installable) which is MUCH smaller than a DVD (less than 1/3 the size) with only one desktop available on the CD. There are installable liveCDs (packaged by Novell/SuSE-GmbH) for:

and there are liveCDs packaged by the openSUSE community for:

There are torrents available for all of the above, where bittorent typically has a higher probability of a download with no errors in the download.

Still, in all cases, after downloading, and after conducting a (successful) md5sum of the downloaded iso file, be certain to also burn at the slowest speed to the highest quality media available, to ensure the highest probability of a successful installation.

And finally, during the install, when you have a hiccup, pull out your digital camera (if you have one) take a snap shot of the error message(s), and then log on to our forum and ask for support. You can also get good support from IRC freenode channel #suse.

Good luck !*