Display shifts to LH side...

I’m trying to install OpenSUSE 11 on my machine, with configuration:

  1. Intel Core2Duo procesor
  2. Intel motherboard
  3. 2 GB DDR2 RAM
  4. nVIDIA GeForce8400 graphic card,
  5. LG L194WS monitor

During installation, the dispaly is proper, however, after installation, when I’m running the OpenSUSE 11, the display is shifted LH side.
There is no problem in Windows XP.

SUSE detects the Graphic card but uses VESA monitor in YaST.

Please help me in configuraing the display.

add the nvidia repo and drivers

when done

By “add” what do I’m exactly needed to do?
I’ve downloaded “NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run”.
How to go ahead with that?


If you click the link I gave you earlier, it should start Yast installer (all you need is your admin password)
This will install the nVidia driver for you.

*The file you have downloaded will work, but installing it is not so simple.
It is described as the Hard Way: Instructions here

but it’s not so hard.

*Also some advice:
Disable auto login in Yast - security and users - user and group management

Hi there,
Thanks for your support.
My problem is solved now:good:.
Thank you ones again:smile:.