Disk Boot up Error

Hi All,

I’m still fairly new to SUSE and Linux. Not too long ago I turned my system on and after a few minutes the computer stopped its boot up sequence after the grub menu disappeared. Tried a few reboots but this made no difference. I’ve managed to boot into the system by loading an older kernel ( and changed the boot options to verbose so I can see line by line what’s happening. Below is a copy of the error message and the PC stops dead in its tracks.

FATAL: Module raid0 not found
FATAL: Module raid1 not found
FATAL: Module raid456 not found
Trying manual resume from /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-5a7d9b67:abb51b75:cbd4aa19:7c13e99f-part1
resume from /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-5a7d9b67:abb51b75:cbd4aa19:7c13e99f-part1 not found (ignoring)
Trying manual resume from /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-5a7d9b67:abb51b75:cbd4aa19:7c13e99f-part1
resume from /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-5a7d9b67:abb51b75:cbd4aa19:7c13e99f-part1 not found (ignoring)
Waiting for device /dev/root to appear:… Could not find /dev/root
Want me to fall back to /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-5a7d9b67:abb51b75:cbd4aa19:7c13e99f-part2? (Y/n)

I’m running a Raid0 ext4, 12.3 64 bit system. As I’ve mentioned above, if I boot into an older kernel, the computer boots no problem and I’m able to carry on. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

What kernel are you trying to run that is failing? The other kernel that is working for you is not even in kernel stable repo, are you running tumbleweed? Sorry, I am not much help with raid are there modules that need to be built per kernel flavor?

Hi thanks for the reply.

The kernel I’m trying to run is and now that you’ve asked the question about Tumbleweed and modules per kernel, this is starting to make sense :).

Without having to do a full re-install, should I update the kernel I can run to the latest stable version? If I do that, how can I get rid of the other kernels?

Any advice is much appreciated.

You can remove unwanted kernels in Yast Software managment

Have a look at this doc for multiple kernel version advise. If you want to try a new kernel I would add the kernel stable repo Index of /repositories/Kernel:/stable/standard to your enabled repos, sounds like you may already have done this.

The problem with that is when I do go into Software Management, the only installed kernel shown is the one I’m currently running. Unless I’m looking at something else? :frowning:

In YaST Software Management, when you have the installed Kernel selected, do NOT forget to look at the versions tag. That is where the extra versions will show up.

This site has a couple of good screen shots of the process.

You can also query the rpm database to find out which kernels are installed:

rpm -qa | grep kernel-de

this returns a list of installed kernel-de* packages.

Hi Thanks for the advice, here is the results returned when doing the above command.

error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 2543 Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 3dbdc284: BAD

This is the kernel I’m currently able to boot in to. The is nowhere to be found. I looked under the versions tab in Software Management and it only shows installed. But is still on the list of available options to boot into.

Is there anything else I could try?

How did you install 3.9?? if not via Yast/zypper/RPM he n in would not be in the list if you compiled it.

I see a default-base RPM but not the kernel???

kernel-default-base is a kernel but with only a minimal set of modules. And I guess that’s the problem.
Try to install the standard kernel package instead. (“kernel-default” or “kernel-desktop”)

I wonder where you are getting these kernels? The stable default kernel repo I listed does not have any of the kernels that you have installed. If you would stick to the kernel repo I referred to earlier in this post you would probably have better luck and get more help. If you are messing around with kernels outside the main repos and or rolling your own kernel then you should probably post in a different forum.

There is a 3.9 kernel in the kernel/stable repo now and I am running it on two machines. I installed it via yast works good except on one machine grub2 was not updated and I had to finagle it to boot with some help from this forum.

I’ve installed the kernel-default and I’m now successfully running But looking in YaST and checking kernel-desktop thats still on, should I un install this or upgrade it to the version?

Well, it’s your decision really.
You can have as many kernels installed as you want to (limited by disk size of course…).

IMHO it’s not necessary to have both desktop and default kernel, so I’d suggest to either uninstall both kernel-default packages and upgrade kernel-desktop, or uninstall kernel-desktop and use kernel-default.
kernel-desktop is finetuned for desktop usage, so that might influence your decision.

And please uninstall kernel-desktop-base if you haven’t already done so…:wink:

Thanks for the advice, tips etc!

I’ve uninstalled kernel-desktop-base and kernel-desktop and I appear to be working just fine!!

Thanks to everyone for their help. How do I close this thing off now? :slight_smile: