Discover Flatpak update error message: Aborted due to failure (Flatpak system operation Deploy not allowed for user)

Hi, since Plasma 6 i get this error when trying to update Flatpak (flathub) packages via discover:

Aborted due to failure (Flatpak system operation Deploy not allowed for user)

but it seems that the updates are performed anyway (I just update them to get rid of the entries in discover, everything else i update via zypper dub)


Same for me in Tumbleweed and Leap 15.6 Beta.

This is because the flathub repo is added systemwide.
Remove the flathub repo via discover. Afterwards add it as your user via:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub
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@hui would not users that have installed a flatpak need to uninstall first, then add the repo and add back as their user?

Yep, would be advised.

I added myself to the “wheel” and “flatpak” groups, that made some things more convenient.

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Conviency ↔ security.


Thanks that seemed to help. Also all installed flatpaks where automatically removed by removing the repository. But after reinstalling them, the settings where still there

Worked for me, but have to ask where did “wheel” come from? :thinking:

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Before following such advice as “adding a group to a user”, you should first ask yourself what it implies and how secure it is.

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