Discourse browser requirements

Just found I can no longer use my favourite browser, which I have been using for the forum since I joined 17 years ago.
That greatly lowers my estimation of Discourse.

@john_hudson what browser? @mrmazda also reported this with Seamonkey…

Konqueror. Chromium is really slow in comparison and lacks many of the useful features built in to Konqueror. Firefox is only slightly better but slow and not as well featured as Konqueror.

Another fan of konqueror here.

I can confirm that “konqueror” does not work well with discourse. I’m currently using “firefox”.

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A very narrow-minded approach. I maintain websites and I always make sure that they are accessible to any browser other than IE.

Curiouser and curiouser. I thought I would see what other browsers are being excluded by Discourse; I tried Gnome Web/epiphany and Midori (both WebkitGtk) and Viper (QtWebEngine) and all worked fine with Discourse - though all are noticeably slower than Konqueror. So why is Viper using QtWebEngine fine but Konqueror using QtWebEngine is not fine, given QtWebEngine is based on Chromium.

Without looking deeper into it, I would assume it’s down to different user agent and/or capabilities. While Viper may also use QtWebEngine, it doesn’t have to use the same version of it either

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