Discord app

I tried to install the discord app.

But this is what I get:


Nice unreadable picture. I can see that you are using YaST.

But can you tell what package exactly you try to install from what repository? Or any more detailed description on what you are doing?

Have you tried a direct zypper install (I’m guessing is complaining about the games:tools repo key)

zypper -vvv in https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/games:/tools/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/x86_64/discord-0.0.5-10.1.x86_64.rpm


Why cant you see the picture ? Its too big ? :slight_smile:

This seems to give the same problem:

discord-0.0.5-10.1.x86_64 (Cache van gewone RPM-bestanden): Verificatie van de ondertekening is mislukt [4-Handtekeningen van publieke sleutel zijn niet beschikbaar]

No public key available ?

De volgende 3 NIEUWE pakketten zullen worden geïnstalleerd:
  discord     0.0.5-10.1  x86_64  Cache van gewone RPM-bestanden  obs://build.opensuse.org/games:tools
  libc++1     4.0.1-5.1   x86_64  Main Update Repository          openSUSE                            
  libc++abi1  4.0.1-5.1   x86_64  Main Update Repository          openSUSE                            

3 nieuwe te installeren pakketten.
Totale downloadgrootte: 49,7 MiB. Reeds in de cache: 330,0 KiB. Na de bewerking zal aanvullend 146,4 MiB worden gebruikt.
Doorgaan? [j/n/...? alle opties tonen] (j): j
In de cache libc++abi1-4.0.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                               (1/3), 116,6 KiB (295,1 KiB uitgepakt)
In de cache libc++1-4.0.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                  (2/3), 213,3 KiB (777,3 KiB uitgepakt)
pakket discord-0.0.5-10.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald                                                                                                          (3/3),  49,7 MiB (145,4 MiB uitgepakt)
    Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 58ddeb32: NOKEY
    Header SHA1 digest: OK (6ad16dd26f61ecf6b33e7f5628a129487dc2bece)
    MD5 digest: OK (cf99f37ed682638bbd8b013293589f0c)
    V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 58ddeb32: NOKEY

So two options import the key from the games repo or skip (choose ignore).


Thank you, I think that link is broken ?

I do not know what to search for ( how to find that key )

This link
Show games:tools - openSUSE Build Service and click on the gpg/ssl link

Check via;

Or just add the repo and install… then disable the repo;

su -
zypper ar -f -g -n "repo-games:tools" https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/games:/tools/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/ repo-games:tools
zypper ref
zypper in discord
zypper mr -d -F repo-games:tools

Problem solved. :slight_smile:

I copy pasted the command, and it failed the first time lol

After studying, what had happened, I noticed I had selected the wrong option. ( I blame the translators for this :wink: )
On a more serious note, I do sometimes get confused with translations into my native language opensuse related.
Been behind computers for years now, totally used to it being in english.

Second attempt and the key was installed.

Then I went back to the one click install, and this time no issues, it installed the program.

Thank you.

I have cheered a bit too soon.

Program is installed and its almost working 100%.

I had to go into the setting and change the sound setting from default to internal stereo.

The sound however is way too soft. ( with mixer volume to max, I can hear that people are talking but absolutely not what they are saying )

I already used google, and that made me smile for some part. Allot of windows users, seem to have the same problem.

To rule out its the headset, I started up steam, used the microphone test, and that proofed my headset is working fine.
( I could with some delay, hear myself speak )

I will keep an eye on this topic, but will also do some more searching myself.
It does not look like this is an opensuse problem.

Install and use pavucontrol to fiddle with the volume settings. It’s working fine here.

I already had pavu controll installed.

The weird thing is, that according to Discord everything is working fine.

I also see discord react when I talk. ( but I don’t hear a thing, nor what the others are saying )

I will do some more fiddling. :slight_smile: