DHCP problem

does anyone have the same problem.

I am within a university network. after updating to 11.2, i have problem using DHCP.

basically, it seems like the DHCP is keep running even after obtained the ip address, which resulted in a block by the university ITS saying “too many DHCP connection…” within a short period of time.

isn’t this a wired problem. anybody any idea?

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Do you update your dhcpd???

No in elenath hîlar nan hâd gîn
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 00:26 +0000, gary xue wrote:
> does anyone have the same problem.
> I am within a university network. after updating to 11.2, i have
> problem using DHCP.
> basically, it seems like the DHCP is keep running even after obtained
> the ip address, which resulted in a block by the university ITS saying
> “too many DHCP connection…” within a short period of time.
> isn’t this a wired problem. anybody any idea?

A dhcp client HAS to keep running. It will requery at half of
the lease time. So if you have a lease for 6 hours, it will
query at 3 hours to refresh the lease. This is simply how
dhcp works.

One would think the university (what happened to all of the
good schools?) would be referring to something like the number
of clients on the same network connection that are making
dhcp requests (e.g. you have a router/gateway appliance).

Just a guess though…


I have the same problem at home. My router lease time is set to 14400 (10 days). But when setting up my notebook with DHCP client, it make repeatly a lot of request to the router. On /var/log/messages I got :

Apr 19 23:43:17 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: setting hostname to `hpmini'
Apr 19 23:43:17 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: renewing lease of
Apr 19 23:43:17 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: lost lease, attemping to rebind
Apr 19 23:43:18 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: lost lease
Apr 19 23:43:18 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: removing default route via 192.168.1.
1 metric 0
Apr 19 23:43:18 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: removing IP address
Apr 19 23:43:18 hpmini avahi-daemon[2004]: Withdrawing address record for 192.16
8.1.126 on eth1.
Apr 19 23:43:18 hpmini avahi-daemon[2004]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
Apr 19 23:43:18 hpmini avahi-daemon[2004]: Interface eth1.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Apr 19 23:43:21 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: trying to use old lease in `/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth1.info'
Apr 19 23:43:21 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: adding IP address
Apr 19 23:43:21 hpmini dhcpcd[4158]: eth1: adding default route via metric 0
Apr 19 23:43:21 hpmini avahi-daemon[2004]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
Apr 19 23:43:21 hpmini avahi-daemon[2004]: New relevant interface eth1.IPv4 for mDNS.
Apr 19 23:43:21 hpmini avahi-daemon[2004]: Registering new address record for on eth1.IPv4.
Apr 19 23:43:26 hpmini ifdown: Interface eth1 is not configured for dhcp. So don't use '-o dhcp'.
Apr 19 23:43:26 hpmini ifup: Interface eth1 is not configured for dhcp. So don't use '-o dhcp'.

eth1 is a Wifi. I configure everything by Yast. I don’t know where the “-o dhcp” come from … neither “eth1 is not configured for dhcp”. I install the wifi card driver by Yast Software Management.

Is this the HP mini with the Broadcom WiFi chip? Try a recent driver from Broadcom (you may have to compile it yourself), apparently older drivers would drop out the connection. I just set up a friend’s HP mini with the recent driver and it’s stable.


Yes, I have a Hp Compaq Mini 311c (1070SF), with a Broadcom Wifi on OpenSuse 11.2

I updated the kernel (, dhcpcd (dhcpcd-3.2.3-47.4.1.i586)
I compiled and installed the Broadcom driver from Broadcom.com - 802.11 Linux STA driver

But … nothing changed. I still have the “lost lease” problem.

On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 23:06 +0000, mhtrinh wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the same problem at home. My router lease time is set to 14400
> (10 days). But when setting up my notebook with DHCP client, it make
> repeatly a lot of request to the router. On /var/log/messages I got :

Disable avahi

If you’re going to run dhcp, you want avahi daemons disabled.

Just an idea.