Devede segfaults when selecting save location

Hi Forum,

I have installed devede because I want to create some disks with a couple of old MP4 files I have of my daughters soccer games over the years. I was told I should/could use a program called devede to put them into .iso format and use k3b to burn them.

This is great! So, I installed the stock version of devede (2.22) and ran it. After learning how to work it, and setting all the settings I could think of, when I went to select a save location, the program simply disappeared. So, I ran it from the command line and this is the error I got:

Threads: 6
Creating window /usr/share/devede/wprogress.ui
Creating window /usr/share/devede/wfolder_dialog.ui
Entro en RUN
/usr/lib/devede/ GtkWarning: gtk_tree_model_filter_get_value: assertion `GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (model)->priv->stamp == iter->stamp' failed
/usr/lib/devede/ Warning: gtype.c:4204: type id `0' is invalid
/usr/lib/devede/ Warning: can't peek value table for type `<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
Segmentation fault

So, I installed the devede version 2.23 off the software.opensuse,org site and get the same error.

I have looked and could not find a solution based on the issue I was having, so I was asking here if anyone knew how to fix this or if you could recommend some other program to use. It appears that devede is plagued with a lot of issues reading the forum posts ;).


As you forgot the most important info, what version of openSUSE you use, I can only tell you that on my system, running openSUSE 12.2, using YaST > Software > Software management and searching for devede, I see version 3.22.0-1.87 from the Packman repository.

Thus I do not quite understand:

  • why you call 2.22 the “stock version” and where you found it and how you installed it;
  • as software is only a starting page for finding software, I do not understand from your description where you found the other version and how you installed it.

On my main computer which still runs OS 12.2 this worked fine the last timed I used this software. I had a go on a different machine with 12.3 installed and got the same segmentation fault as you, a python issue maybe?

There are several alternatives to DeVeDe (sadly though, DeVeDe has in my opinion been the most reliable but that might have changed): KMediafactory, QDVDAuthor, 2ManDVD, DVDStyler, kdvdcreator m.m.


Yes, I’m sorry! I did forget some vital info.

You are correct, it was 3.22 for the stock version and on, there were two options to install 3.23 from, they were:

[li]                     [[b]openSUSE 12.3[/b]]([/li][LIST]
[li]     [home:enzokiel]([/li][LIST]
       [1 Click Install](   

[li]     [home:svalx]([/li][ul]
       [1 Click Install](   

However, the enzokiel repos were broke, so I installed svalx’s version 3.23 instead.

I am running OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE fully patched, but with the packman repos selected for vendor.

Hope this helps some!


Yeah, I like using devede also because I am most familiar with it. It runs great on Ubuntu, so I suppose I can install that on a VM and use it that way if there are no options to fix it on OpenSUSE.

I will also look at the other options you mention, but since moving away from Windows years ago, all I have been doing on Linux is looking for alternative software for what I used to use and for what is broken in Linux for just about everything and its getting somewhat old now :-D.

Anyway, thanks for the replies and hopefully someone can chime in that can help :slight_smile:


Joeg1484 wrote:
> Hi Forum,
> I have installed devede because I want to create some disks with a
> couple of old MP4 files I have of my daughters soccer games over the
> years. I was told I should/could use a program called devede to put them
> into .iso format and use k3b to burn them.
> This is great! So, I installed the stock version of devede (2.22) and
> ran it. After learning how to work it, and setting all the settings I
> could think of, when I went to select a save location, the program
> simply disappeared. So, I ran it from the command line and this is the
> error I got:
> Code:
> --------------------
> Threads: 6
> Creating window /usr/share/devede/wprogress.ui
> Creating window /usr/share/devede/wfolder_dialog.ui
> Entro en RUN
> /usr/lib/devede/ GtkWarning: gtk_tree_model_filter_get_value: assertion `GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (model)->priv->stamp == iter->stamp’ failed
/usr/lib/devede/ Warning: gtype.c:4204: type id 0' is invalid &gt; &gt; /usr/lib/devede/ Warning: can't peek value table for type <invalid>’ which is not currently referenced
> Segmentation fault
> --------------------
> So, I installed the devede version 2.23 off the software.opensuse,org
> site and get the same error.
> I have looked and could not find a solution based on the issue I was
> having, so I was asking here if anyone knew how to fix this or if you
> could recommend some other program to use. It appears that devede is
> plagued with a lot of issues reading the forum posts ;).
> Thanks!
> Joe
try “bombono dvd”
It worked well for me for mp4s
you can even author dvds,add menus etc
Note:- Always burn at lowest speed

GNOME 3.6.2
openSUSE Release 12.3 (Dartmouth) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop

I am in the same boat.Same setup & same symptoms. Try to set the save path, and crash.

I installed using ‘zypper install devede’ and got the 3.22.0 version.

Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop
openSUSE 12.3 (Dartmouth) (x86_64).
KDE Platform version 4.10.5 “release 1”

I could try other DVD creation packages. But I think it is important to highlight that this is not an isolated case.

I have found a solution for the devede problem, just follow these steps and you will have a working devede in no time:

Step 1: Go to “Edit” then “Preferences” and in the “Temporary Files Folder” choose your “Home” folder and click ok.](

Step 2: Add your video file to be converted and click the “Foward” button.](

Step 3: Choose your “Video” folder and click ok button.](

Step 4: Enjoy your video and don’t forget to say thanks if this helped you. Don’t forget to install the necesary codecs or libraries for devede, ie: Mplayer, Faad2, FFMpeg, ect… Oh, and about what was causing the segmentation fault, I think it has to be a conflict between where you save your temporary files and where you’ll save your DVD image, or something like that!:stuck_out_tongue:

Step 4: Enjoy your video and don’t forget to say thanks if this helped you. Don’t forget to install the necesary codecs or libraries for devede, ie: Mplayer, Faad2, FFMpeg, ect… Oh, and about what was causing the segmentation fault, I think it has to be a conflict between where you save your temporary files and where you’ll save your DVD image, or something like that!:stuck_out_tongue:](

Hi Eor2004,

Thanks for looking into this. I will have to try it out… However, in the journey to finding something else that worked, I found a few applications that make devede look/act like a program made in the 90’s :-D. In other words, I’ve moved on :).

But, thank you again for replying to this. I’m sure it might helps someone else!


Can you please share us those advance applications.
I might try it also.

First time user of this forum but had same problem and after lots of searching found solution of changing the gtk2 theme in settings solves it as referenced here Meld 1.8.2 landed in PPA
Hope this helps.

The gtk theme can be changed using the gtk-ctheme utility

And where do you get that from?

Just use the GNOME Control Center, gnome-tweak-tool or KDE’s “Configure Desktop” to change the Gtk theme. One of those should be installed by default.