Desktop Switching

My question has to do with how to switch from one desktop <gnome> to <KDE>…I opted to install all the available desktops; Gnome, KDE 3.5 and 4, as well as some others, as I would like to do a bit of experimenting, to see what flavor plays best with compiz, emerald, and my SLI nvidia 9800GT cards. Anyway at the onset of the install I chose KDE 3.5 as an OTHER Desktop, but after the install the machine came up in Gnome…and im not sure how to get the chooser screen at login time so i can pick which graphical session i get.
maybe a newb question but any help would be greatly appreciated…

If you install Gnome first, the the default display manager is gdm. (Not sure why its not KDE4 aware). You may need to switch to a different display manager via

YaST -> System -> /etc/sysconfig Editor

Choose Desktop -> Display manager and change from gdm to kdm or kdm4. Then logout and back in again.

Thanks…and that was speedy…i was making some logical changes and noticed another reference to the same issue…the kdm option doesnt work …but kdm4 does…some other strangeness the KDE 3 session takes two tries to actually login to KDE3…also the KDE 3 install has no screen savers…must be bug?

On the bottom left part of screen there’s a “Session” menu with the KDE4 kdm anyway, which allows you to switch between Desktops without tinkering with YaST or directly in system config files.

It can be a little hard to see, as the fonts have changed to FOSS ones, and it appears this screen has been made less legible as a result.

If GNOME login manager, doesn’t have option for the “Other” installed environments then I’m surprised; but I dislike GNOME 2 so never install it if there’s a better option.

also trying to switch desktop system from Gnome to KDE

the Suse Gnome login screen option for session is missing

suse 11.1 yast control centre /etc/sysconfig editor / window manager / default_wm =kde

all kde packages installed but system boots into gnome login screen with no option to use kde ie session menu is not displayed

also trying to switch desktop system from Gnome to KDE

the Suse Gnome login screen option for session is missing

suse 11.1 yast control centre /etc/sysconfig editor / window manager / default_wm =kde

Its the DISPLAYMANAGER setting you need to change. If set to ‘gdm’, try changing to ‘kdm4’.

It isn’t really missing, it’s just hidden/exposed in a stupid manner.

By default, the session menu is hidden in the new GDM, but when you select which user, the session menu will appear on the bottom bar.