Desktop and Icons

I am going to bring up an old topic that I had posted around a year ago.

Every time I log on to my machine I have to fetch my icons, they are hiding some wheres. I have to switch between activities a couple of times and then roll mouse wheel. Then they will roll downward from the top of screen. I have also noticed that I only have the one desktop. I have watched and even searched openSuse website hoping for a solution, but have found nothing even related.

This is the second machine of mine that this has happening with. I am certain that this started right after an update.

Hm, never had something like that.
Are you actually using different activities?
If not, you try to delete all but one. Does it still happen then?

You can configure the number of Desktops by right-clicking on the desktop switcher and choose “Virtual Desktop Settings”.
Or enter “Configure Desktop”->“Workspace Behaviour”->“Virtual Desktops”.

But scrolling the mouse wheel on the desktop switches between the virtual desktops. It sounds like you are doing that to get your icons back. So you must have more than 1 configured.
And if your icons are only to be found on one of the desktops, you probably have enabled “Different Widgets for each desktop” there. So turn that off.

I have used according to how cd or updates have given me. Other than wallpaper I have done no personal configs.

Just a thought, if I were to delete 2 out of 3 activities, and 3 out of 4 virtual desktops, do you think this problem would go away.
If I were to do this, if my hidden icons were still a problem, what are the chances of me finding my icons.

Just a thought…

I am only guessing here, but if you wanted to have different wallpapers on each of the Desktops, you would have had to enable this option (“Different Widgets for each desktop”). And then it would be possible to have your Desktop icons only on one of them.

So have you checked that option?
If it is turned off, all your desktops should look the same, i.e. either all have your icons or none of them.

Just a thought, if I were to delete 2 out of 3 activities, and 3 out of 4 virtual desktops, do you think this problem would go away.

Yes if you delete the right ones, i.e. you shouldn’t delete the one activity/desktop which contains your icons of course.

And you wouldn’t have to delete any virtual desktops if you uncheck the above option.

What icons are talking about exactly btw? (maybe post a screenshot)
You could of course just add them as well to all activities/desktops.

If I were to do this, if my hidden icons were still a problem, what are the chances of me finding my icons.

What I wrote is actually the only thing I can think of where/why your icons would be hiding (if I understand correctly what you mean, that is :wink: ).

Why am I plagued with this, what is different about my machines(both of them), and anyone else machines. My last machine was broke with one update, then fixed with another. But in the end it was broke again. What I find puzzling is I am the only one experiencing this. I cannot find any other instance of this problem in archives.

The only commonality here is maybe the electricity. Just kidding on the electricity thing.

I don’t mean to rant.

But it is annoying…

Have you tried to create a new user? (YaST->User and Group Management)
Do you have the same problem then?

I tried this option only to loose all icons on all desktops. Could not find them.

Have you enabled it now or disabled?

If it’s disabled, then if you add the icons again, they should be on all desktops.

You still didn’t explain what icons you mean exactly.
The content of the “Desktop” folder?

Right-click on the Desktop, choose “Add Widgets”, search for “folderview” and double-click on it to add it to the Desktop (or drag it to where you want to have it).

The icons is whatever i decided to put there over time, it does consist of firefox and thunderbird and stuff like that. The folderview widget is just another home folder. I can click on dolphin if I want to see that.

Of course, and you can just use the start menu to see the icons, right?

Your answers are not really informative…
So, have you turned “Different Widgets for each desktop” off now?
Then add back the icons and they should appear on each Desktop.

different widgets is off, icons are on 2 out of 3 desktops

Only on 2 out of 3?
That would be strange. And you mentioned you had 4 desktops (well, in the first post you even said you have only 1).
So what is true now?

Could you please post a screenshot of your desktop with the desktop settings dialog open? (press the print key on your keyboard, save the picture, upload it to SUSE Paste and post a link)
I’m really getting confused here…:\

A correction is in order.

I have 3 activities, 2 have icons. 4 desktops, they all look the same.

So it is ok now?

You can of course remove the activity without icons and one of those with icons, if you are not going to use them anyway…
This may reduce the possibility for confusions… :wink:

How do I remove an activity.

See here:

You can also click on the 3 dots next to the start menu to open the Activity Manager.

what desktop are you using?
If you are using Default Desktop have you tried switching to Folder View or vice versa.

edit: My 1000th post!!! :slight_smile:

I’m using folder view.

I know that my icon problem will be resolved with another update in time.
But I seriously hope that the problem will be solved for good.

Sorry, but your posts really are not clear to me.:sarcastic:
So you do still have the original problem?
But you should have your icons now on all desktops, right?
Have you removed the other two activities as suggested?

How do you think it will be solved for good all by itself?
I never experienced such a problem and I think most people haven’t, so I doubt that it will be fixed by an update. Maybe by a fresh install though…