But the status says it is disabled. Do I understand correctly? Before reinstalling Leap I used the exact same network configurations etc. and never got such error message.
It lies. Newer systemd version would probably output “static” instead of “disabled” … hmm, still “disabled” on TW … OK, this is different issue. Anyway
Then you still get errors in logs that it is masked. Anyway, this problem is mostly cosmetic and can be safely ignored. Efforts to fix it are probably not justified comparing with impact. May be mention it in release notes.
I still don’t see the reason for it to appear. As I mentioned before reinstalling Leap it wasn’t there - with the exact same system configuration. It would be good to find the reason.
Yes, not sure why you’re impacted -clearly something is triggering it. I can’t replicate it though (when switched to wicked). FWIW, here’s a similar thread with an openSUSE 13.2 and wicked…
network-online.target is a target that actively waits until the nework is “up”, where the definition of “up” is defined by the network management software. Usually it indicates a configured, routable IP address of some kind. It’s primary purpose is to actively delay activation of services until the network is set up. It is an active target, meaning that is may be pulled in by the services requiring the network to be up, but is not pulled in by the network management service itself. By default all remote mounts defined in /etc/fstab pull this service in, in order to make sure the network is up before it is attempted to connect to a network share.
so I wonder if this might be triggering NwetworkManager-wait-online.service
I could be on the wrong track here, so please disregard if so.
I am getting the same output (first dot is red, second one for wicked is green).
BTW masking NetworkManager* removed the boot log message. Thanks for the suggestion.
Just to make clear I understand - with having it masked I can no longer use NetworkManager and if I decide to use it I have to unmask those 3 services, right?
Just to make clear I understand - with having it masked I can no longer use NetworkManager and if I decide to use it I have to unmask those 3 services, right?
No need to mask the other NM services. NetworkManager is not dependent on having NetworkManager-wait-online enabled. It’s only useful where some network services need to have it to guarantee that the network is up before starting. I don’t have it enabled on my laptop using NM. (Besides it’s easy to unmask again when/if required.)
You have (if you mean NetworkManager-wait-online.service and you are running 13.2 or newer). This service is statically enabled which is exact subject of my bug report.
Yes I understand that, and as I already explained I don’t have services that use network-online.target. It has already been reported in a number of threads (here and elsewhere) and bug reports, and it’s not a big deal apart from the message IMHO. I’m not really convinced (from reading the bug report that I linked to) that anything will necessarily be done about it.