Dell Netextender VPN client - OpenSUSE 13.2 cannot connect


I’m having an issue connecting to NetExtender with OpenSUSE.

I am using a recent version - NetExtender.Linux.7.5.771.

It works in Debian Stable and Kubuntu 14.04/14.10 ‘out the box’ and due to the fact I cannot connect with openSUSE I am having to keep a copy of kubuntu just to connect to work…

It errors during install ->

--- Dell SonicWALL NetExtender 7.5.771 Installer ---
Checking library dependencies...
Checking pppd...
  Do you want non-root users to be able to run NetExtender?
  If so, I can set pppd to run as root, but this could be 
  considered a security risk.

  Set pppd to run as root [y/N]? y
mode of ‘/usr/sbin/pppd’ changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 4755 (rwsr-xr-x)
mode of ‘/usr/sbin/pppd’ retained as 4755 (rwsr-xr-x)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp’ changed from 0750 (rwxr-x---) to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers’ retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers/pptp’ retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers/pppoatm’ retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers/pppoe’ retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers/pppoe-rp’ retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers/ppp’ retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of ‘/etc/ppp/peers’ retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
Copying files...
chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/ppp/ip-up’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/ppp/ip-down’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/ppp/ipv6-up’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/ppp/ipv6-down’: No such file or directory

------------------------ INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL -----------------------

To launch NetExtender, do one of the following:

  1. Click the NetExtender icon under the Applications menu
     (look under the 'Internet' or 'Network' category)
  2. Type 'netExtenderGui'

When I connect it NEVER completes the tunnel… (I have replaced the IP BTW)

2014-11-30 22:41:17 GMT INFO com.sonicwall.NetExtender Logging initialized.
2014-11-30 22:41:18 GMT INFO com.sonicwall.NetExtender NetExtender version 7.5.771
Making a global reference ot the NetExtenderControl object registered with JNI
NetExtender for Linux - Version 7.5.771
Dell SonicWALL
Copyright (c) 2014 Dell

2014-11-30 22:41:18 GMT INFO com.sonicwall.gui.PreferencesDialog createLogPanel()
JNI: setDestination:Setting Destination: x.x.x.x (port 443)
JNI: LaunchNX: mypid = 2337
JNI: LaunchNX: Launching NetExtender2
JNI: LaunchNX: Using destination IP x.x.x.x
JNI: LaunchNX: launching NX

Connecting to x.x.x.x:443...
User choose to 'Always Trust' certificate
Saving profiles/preferences...
Done saving profiles/preferences
Logging in...
Authentication failure: Authentication failed.
SSL VPN logging out...
Logout command failed
SSL VPN connection is terminated.
Exiting NetExtender client
JNI: LaunchNX: Exiting LaunchNX, returning (1)
2014-11-30 22:42:19 GMT INFO com.sonicwall.gui.NetExtenderRootPanel Authentication failed.
JNI: setDestination:Setting Destination: x.x.x.x (port 443)
JNI: LaunchNX: mypid = 2337
JNI: LaunchNX: Launching NetExtender2
JNI: LaunchNX: Using destination IP x.x.x.x
JNI: LaunchNX: launching NX

Connecting to x.x.x.x:443...
Logging in...
Login successful.
failed to retrieve epc agent version
SSL Connection is ready
Using SSL Encryption Cipher 'RC4-SHA'                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Using new PPP frame encoding mechanism                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Using PPP async mode (chosen by server)                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Connecting tunnel...  

I have also tried creating the /etc/ppp/ip-up , etc (blank) files that the installer complains about and reinstalling -> still get the same issue

Anyone able to run this on 13.2 - my user is in dialout group if that helps?

Anyone else using this VPN software?

Looks like VPN applications are a weak point for openSUSE

We also have another VPN to anotherDC, this one uses Kerio control client

  • this one officially only supports Ubuntu (in terms of Linux support)

So out of 2 different VPN types i’m unable to use 100% of them with OpenSUSE, 100% work with Ubuntu. Debian 50%…

I can see that Netextender has previously worked (with tweaks)

I use OpenVPN with 100% success rate.

It seems the reason is the VPN application you are using relies on old style ifup files like /etc/ppp/ip-up which are no longer used on 13.2 (due to change from traditional if-up to wicked), they are however still used on 13.1. If I were to make an educated guess, the kerio does as well.

Yeah openVPN is great - however my company is not using that…

Tested on Fedora 21 (workstation) - also works ‘out the box’

Any ideas how what I can do (i.e copy files off FC21/kubuntu ?) to get this to work in opensuse ?

found this -

→ also didn’t help…


Well, if this is the case, anybody have any type of a resolution to this? If I could make the regular NetExtender Client work with OpenSuSE it would make things way easier for me. Currently I’m running the client on my Windows VM and connecting that way.

My resolution to this was to no longer run OpenSUSE as my main desktop ( which is a shame)

Fedora21, Debian Stable, Neptune OS, Kubuntu/Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 / Mint 17 all work out the box.

In fact its only openSuse and Arch I cannot get it to work with.

I would love to be able to connect with opensuse.

In theory you could copy the files from 13.1, or you could just - you know - run 13.1 which still has the old if-up interface.

I have a simple solution: I take the scripts ip-down, ip-up, ipv6-down and ipv6-up from the 13.1er version and put in /etc/ppp before you install netExtender. It’s works fine!


This worked like a charm. Thank you for the solution!

I was encountering the issue under openSuse 42.1, copying the scripts from the mentioned package has resolved the problem.

You can find the desired package here: