Deja-dub: missing duplicity

Hi everyone!

I have an issue with backup: I’ve been using deja-dub (the Gnome default) for years; without any trouble so far. Now, if I run it, it will tell me it misses duplicity.

That’s weird, and it is wrong. zypper se duplicity tells me the package is installed in the latest version, and also hitting the “Install” button in the window will tell me “The packages are already all installed”.

I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling deja-dub & duplicity, but with no success.

Does any Geeko know what could be the cause of this or how I can cope with the problem? Given that it affects my backup, I am not very happy to try out a lot of things (I have a second, redundant backup, but nonetheless, I try being conservative on that end).

See bug

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Ah, super. Danke für den Hinweis.
Ich probier’s die Tage mal aus.

Ok for the record: What works for me as an ugly workaround:

  1. Uninstall PackageKit (must be done even though I don’t really get why):
    sudo zypper rm gnome-packagekit
  2. Also remove duplicity: sudo rpm -e --nodeps duplicity
  3. Start Déja Dub and click on “Back Up Now…” (or run deja-dup --backup from the CLI)
  4. After ~2 seconds, when the “Install Packages” dialogue is presented, hit “Install”, enter the Admin Password in the next dialogue (probably only works this way on a pretty default-ish Gnome enviroment)
  5. The backup will be executed. Takes some time of course…
  6. Now, a dialogue like the one from the beginning is shown to me, asking to install duplicity again
  7. …go back to a terminal, and uninstall duplicity again first, then…
  8. hit “Install” again in the dialogue, enter password, re-install.
  9. The “verify backup” task is executed. After that, Déja Dub closes if ran from CLI or shows “Last backup was today.” in the GUI.

Very late to the party here, but for me was sufficient uninstalling duplicity and let Déja Dup re-installing it, no need to remove packagekit

I too am very late to this.

I ran this using Knoppix 9.1 to backup my RAID based /home directory [needed to replace the disk drives for errors]. Got new drives in … SUSE LEAP 15.5 installed and then back to Knoppix to restore. It fails. So decided to install under LEAP 15.5 and as is shown above [pbiel] Deja Dub comes up and says it can’t find duplicity. It also doesn’t install it. So I got it installed and then it says it needs it installed. Long story, but no matter what I’ve tried so far, if it even gets to duplicity, it says it can’t find the backups. So no matter what I do with Leap 15.5, it is broken. I’m not a “linux” programmer, so I’m not going to try to tackle this (my forte are IBM type Mainframe systems).

I’ve been reading here and in bugzilla (?) and it looks like I am the only one trying to do a restore.

So what good are backups if you can’t restore them? Seems like others need to test that little function before you have to restore – which is the situation I am in. I can’t restore my data.

Hi wylbur.

It isn’t totally clear to me what you’re trying to achieve. But don’t panic! At least the issue I reported on was only about the graphical user interface for duplicity. Although I did not try to restore, using duplicity itself (the command line tool behind deja dub) seems to be working just fine, at least for me.
If you run into issues with your data, I recommend you carefully read the duplicity documentation at > Documentation and carry out a restore using the command line. Also, the hacky workaround with uninstalling PackageKit and re-installing the packages at least for me worked. It’s messy and I’d like it to be fixed, but I was of the opinion that besides being messy, there is no real problem with using deja-dub or duplicity on its own.
If you think you ran into an error with duplicity, this might be an issue on its own (but again, from your post I am not certain I understood what you try to do, maybe it would be helpful if you gave a step-by-step explanation of what specifically you are trying).

I hope this helps! Cheers

  1. I had a disk drive problem and so I used Knoppix 9.1 to do a backup of the two disks in a mirrored configuratiion. This was the /home directory for a Leap 15 system.

  2. I installed Leap 15.5 after configuring the new disk drives in Raid Mirroring for /home

  3. I attempted to restore this using the Knoppix 9.1 system (live DVD), which could see the backup, but it had a problem with duplicity (same thing you{pbiel) had gone through above.

  4. after trying to find a way to get #3 above to work checked to see if Deja dup was now avaiable for Leap 15.5 and found it is.

  5. Installed Deja vu dup via zypper commands.

  6. Attempted to start Deja, and it complained about duplicity…

  7. Attempted to run RESTORE and it complains it can’t find the back up on the media.

Knoppix 9.1 could “see” the backup folder, it just seems to never get anything started for the restore (top shows nothing really happening).

I hope you now see that this is a continuation of the backup problem. What good is a backup if you can’t restore? (BTDT with Seagate decades ago. Wrote to tape, so it said, but when you tried to read the tapes they were empty!!) Of course I found that out when I really needed to recover data to make a tax agency happy. – Thankfully, I was not the only one that had been bitten by this so they didn’t treat it like the dog ate my term paper, or whatever.