Default vs Desktop

Whats the difference between this 2 versions of kernel?

There was a Kernel-Desktop package for 2.6.31 before, and it was taken away, only leaving Kernel-default for 2.6.31.

assas1n wrote:

> Whats the difference between this 2 versions of kernel?

It is explained (a bit) here:

#305694: Separate Desktop / Server Kernels



Thanks for the info.

So basically a Desktop kernel is a ligher, faster, simpler kernel compared to Default.
Will 11.2 use a default or desktop kernel? Could it be changed after installing 11.2?

Where is the 2.6.31 desktop kernel nowadays?

assas1n wrote:

> Thanks for the info.
> So basically a Desktop kernel is a ligher, faster, simpler kernel
> compared to Default.

I’d say it is improved in many ways for desktop users/desktop use, yes.

> Will 11.2 use a default or desktop kernel?

It will depend on the media source:

  • If installing from LiveCD by default will install “kernel-desktop” flavor

  • If installing from DVD, dunno, maybe it makes some “magic” to detect the
    user system and then selects one or another. Maybe based on the selected
    patterns (server -> “kernel-default” / desktop -> “kernel-desktop”).

  • If updating from any previous installed system… also dunno, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

> Could it be changed after
> installing 11.2?

Yes, as always has been possible to install many different kernels and
booting easily from any of them.

> Where is the 2.6.31 desktop kernel nowadays?

It should “live” in factory repositories (/oss) and the usual “kernel of the
day” repos (KOTD).



Depends. Lighter? yes, since some things not required on desktops are disabled (like cgroups). Faster? depends, it’s faster on the interactivity side but it’s a bit slower on the throughput side due to preemptation being enabled

Yes, 11.2 will (or can) use -desktop and yes you can change it afterwards

2.6.31 desktop kernel is here: Index of /repositories/Kernel:/HEAD/openSUSE_11.1

nope, that HEAD repositories only have the 2.6.32 unstable desktop repository

Sorry, i meant that HEAD repository u mentioned only has a 2.6.32 desktop kernel, which is unstable.

I went all thought the opensuse repository and couldnt find either a 2.6.27 or a 2.6.31 desktop kernel

then they have moved to the new kernel. I don’t think they keep around older kernels in HEAD. But, if you want -desktop, you can recompile your kernel with specific options… 1000 Hz timers, no cgroups, full preemptation, slub allocator, tickless, disable “optimize for size”,… which will give you a kernel like -desktop

I do have the sources of (SUSE kernel source RPM) but it’s only for 64bit systems (dunno if you run it)

I managed to update my 2nd boot kernel to 2.6.31.rc7.29.1

I think ill just wait for 11.2 and download the live cd (which comes with kernel-desktop as stated here)

Edit: It wold be a great idea if kernel-desktop packages could be kept somewhere on the repositories, so people could install for example 2.6.29 desktop version

Im wondiering why theres no 2.6.27 Desktop kernel.

I searched using the software page on Opensuse homepage, found only 2.6.31 desktop kernels.