Default browser [Chrome] not opening

The default browser is currently set to Google Chrome, as confirmed by the Chrome Settings page: viz:

How come then, if i click on an HTML file to open it, Firefox opens suggesting i should make IT the default browser??

This behaviour also affects other programs that need to open a browser [eg: gnome-gmail-notifier] … which opens up Firefox instead of the default browser …in this case Chrome???

You can even see that under [System Settings > System > Details] that Chrome is the ‘Preferred Application’

… but behaviour of OpenSUSE 12.3 -64bit Gnome suggest otherwise??

Is this a bug or have i misses something somewhere?

Thanks … this one is a biggie for me!! :frowning:

Not sure if this’ll fix the whole problem but try this:
In FX Edit>Preferences>Advanced>General
Uncheck the Always Check to see… box
Secondly, may advise that you get Chromium instead of Chrome from our repos , just search for it in Yast.
Integration will be better with you Opensuse.

@op- can you check whether there is a chrome entry for html files inside /home/dartmouth/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list ?

If not available you can make some

[Default Applications]
[Added Associations]

Okay … thnx for the advise Sag.

After rebuilding from an earlier image I cant seem to completely reproduce this issue … in as much as all external links open to the default browser except when evoking a gmail account from ‘gnome-gmail-notifier’ … Firefox still opens declaring that i should make IT the default browser …

and I have replaced Chrome with Chromium from the repository and adjusted FX, as you suggest [even though in the above image FX IS checking] … however that does not change anything wrt to the operation of gnome-gmail-notifier! … So i guess the issue lies with that Application??!

I will open up a new thread and badge it as an issue with ‘gnome-gmail-notifier’ … however, strange thing is i had it working without issue under OpenSUSE12.2-32bit Gnome!

Before i start a new thread … anyone have any further??


I note the same question was asked here:

Issue 93 - gnome-gmail-notifier - Clicking on notification does not use the system’s default browser - A Gmail Inbox Monitor for the GNOME2 desktop - Google Project Hosting

and the answer suggested it was a Gnome DE issue to configure the default browser correctly

Hmmmm… I wonder if this is relevant (its an ArchLinux Wiki, but may still be relevant):

Default web browser

To configure the web browser used by the AUR package gnome-gmail-notifier, open gconf-editor and edit the /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/ key. You may want to change https/, about/, and unknown/ keys while you are at it.

I’m not a Gnome user, so please disregard if I’m not on the right track with this. :slight_smile:

Editing gconf might do the trick. I think notifier is using gtk2 but gnome uses gtk3 toolkit :frowning:

That does it!!! big broad smile :slight_smile:

Both the http and https labels where hardcoded with /usr/bin/Firefox … i manually changed them to read /usr/bin/google-chrome … and BINGO!!

Thanks ever so much vaz … !! Much appreciated.

Glad you got it sorted. :slight_smile:

griadooss wrote:
> Thanks ever so much vaz … !! Much appreciated.
you are welcome

GNOME 3.6.2
openSUSE Release 12.3 (Dartmouth) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop