How come then, if i click on an HTML file to open it, Firefox opens suggesting i should make IT the default browser??
This behaviour also affects other programs that need to open a browser [eg: gnome-gmail-notifier] … which opens up Firefox instead of the default browser …in this case Chrome???
You can even see that under [System Settings > System > Details] that Chrome is the ‘Preferred Application’
Not sure if this’ll fix the whole problem but try this:
In FX Edit>Preferences>Advanced>General
Uncheck the Always Check to see… box
Secondly, may advise that you get Chromium instead of Chrome from our repos , just search for it in Yast.
Integration will be better with you Opensuse.
After rebuilding from an earlier image I cant seem to completely reproduce this issue … in as much as all external links open to the default browser except when evoking a gmail account from ‘gnome-gmail-notifier’ … Firefox still opens declaring that i should make IT the default browser …
and I have replaced Chrome with Chromium from the repository and adjusted FX, as you suggest [even though in the above image FX IS checking] … however that does not change anything wrt to the operation of gnome-gmail-notifier! … So i guess the issue lies with that Application??!
I will open up a new thread and badge it as an issue with ‘gnome-gmail-notifier’ … however, strange thing is i had it working without issue under OpenSUSE12.2-32bit Gnome!
Before i start a new thread … anyone have any further??
To configure the web browser used by the AUR package gnome-gmail-notifier, open gconf-editor and edit the /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/ key. You may want to change https/, about/, and unknown/ keys while you are at it.
I’m not a Gnome user, so please disregard if I’m not on the right track with this.