Decrease Disk I/O to Improve SSD Longevity

The instructions for Decrease Disk I/O to Improve SSD Longevity on my eeepc1000 is to vauge ie; how do I get to /etc/sysctl.conf: to ad line? and then where’s /etc/powersave/events to edit. I tried cd to these place’s with no luck. : Any help would be blessing

  • dawnlove,

on a console, become root first by typing “su”.

What’s this SSD longevity problem about? Can you point me to the information?


What’s this SSD longevity problem about? Can you point me to the information?


These new netbooks are using SSD and Flash as Hard Disk Volumes. There are some unanswered questions around the longevity of these devices as both primary drives and in particular swap drives. So far I haven’t come across anyone that has experienced problems. But its early days. There is a lot of rhetoric around on the net about limiting constant writes to these devices. Logic supports it but I haven’t seen any evidence yet. I run a computer repair business. Most of these units would be under warranty still, so I may not have seen the evidence yet.
I have a EeePC 901 that has had 4 different linux installs on it in about a 8 weeks. I use an additional 2 GB SSD card as the swap. My thinking is that for under 20 dollars I can easily replace it should I start having trouble.
Just my thoughts…

  • saltyp,

SSDs have techniques to use all cells equally, so your data isn’t being written to the same place on the “disk” every time it changes. The theoretical lifecycle of a cell is AFAIK not more than 100.000 write accesses, but I recall a test by the German c’t magazine where they tortured a simple USB stick way beyond that limit.
Actually I would treat a SSD just like a normal disk.


  • dawnlove,

on a console, become root first by typing “su”.

What’s this SSD longevity problem about? Can you point me to the information?

here’s link to= OpenSUSE on the EeePC - openSUSE
I think my biggest problem is page is for suse 10.3 and I’m using 11.1.
I think I might not deal with it as other posts suggest. I don’t have swap. of course my larger ssd on my eeepc 1000 is more costly than the smaller ones. Thanx for responce

  • dawnlove,

see my reply to saltyp. I don’t believe it is necessary :slight_smile:
