December participation

Thanks to all who participated in our forums in the month of December. I hope you all had a good holiday season…now get back to work. >:)

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Friday, 01 Jan 2010 15:00:09 GMT
User stats from Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT
to Thursday, 31 Dec 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Stats for Bot
Full Name               Total Root  Reply MoAvg Thrd  RRepl NURep Grps
---------               ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
Automatic reply         2     0     0     0     2     2     0     1   
 % of all users         0     0     0    
Average reply time 
Stats for Default
Full Name               Total Root  Reply MoAvg Thrd  RRepl NURep Grps
---------               ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
caf4926                 1247  14    1195  1169  512   348   0     19  
oldcpu                  816   17    770   753   330   193   0     23  
palladium               290   1     287   281   184   90    0     15  
ken yap                 284   3     279   273   172   69    0     13  
robopensuse             261   6     244   239   153   45    0     11  
hcvv                    224   1     221   216   110   54    0     13  
malcolmlewis            209   2     205   201   116   64    0     16  
Chrysantine             203   2     199   195   147   55    0     13  
Larry Finger            190   1     188   184   90    42    0     9   
syampillai              182   1     177   173   115   78    0     14  
TaraIkeda               161   3     152   149   106   36    0     15  
Confuseling             162   5     143   140   103   30    0     13  
Barry Nichols           151   10    133   130   108   42    0     17  
gogalthorp              129   1     122   119   96    23    0     3   
mmarif4u                148   10    120   117   90    35    0     15  
Jim Henderson           113   0     113   111   65    26    0     13  
swerdna                 111   1     107   105   47    19    0     10  
ZStefan                 109   4     99    97    73    38    0     11  
joerione                103   3     95    93    70    18    0     11  
microchip8              107   8     94    92    66    21    0     15  
vodoo                   116   8     92    90    84    33    0     13  
gminnerup               109   7     88    86    64    21    0     12  
vader95                 120   12    80    78    49    19    0     6   
john hudson             79    0     78    76    63    26    0     11  
Jonathan R              89    4     72    70    51    11    0     9   
PV                      74    2     68    67    40    22    0     5   
twelveeighty            86    8     63    62    50    26    0     4   
please try again        73    3     62    61    39    13    0     3   
Knurpht                 66    2     62    61    58    13    0     15  
Ab                      56    0     56    55    43    24    0     6   
Axeia                   61    5     52    51    51    16    0     11  
GofBorg                 48    1     47    46    24    8     0     5   
spokesinger             67    8     43    42    40    9     0     11  
brunomcl                47    2     42    41    28    11    0     9   
Chris Cox               41    0     41    40    32    21    0     9   
ijbreakey               41    0     41    40    24    8     0     6   
Zoialord                43    1     40    39    29    4     0     10  

Some forum specific statistics:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Friday, 01 Jan 2010 15:00:09 GMT
Forum stats from Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT
to Thursday, 31 Dec 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Forum :
   Total : 4377  Root : 687   Replies : 2487  Waiting : 112   Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 8   NoReply : 112   Lines : 100568 Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 1d 11:32  Average reply time : 1d 21:10
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 360 (14%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 125 (5%)
	palladium [Default]  : 72 (2%)

Forum :
   Total : 3102  Root : 374   Replies : 1787  Waiting : 33    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 5   NoReply : 33    Lines : 74771 Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 20:37  Average reply time : 1d 2:19
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 417 (23%)
	robopensuse [Default]  : 88 (4%)
	gogalthorp [Default]  : 87 (4%)

Forum :
   Total : 1773  Root : 245   Replies : 969   Waiting : 32    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 6   NoReply : 32    Lines : 46410 Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 23:38  Average reply time : 1d 18:11
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 267 (27%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 82 (8%)
	syampillai [Default]  : 44 (4%)

Forum :
   Total : 1367  Root : 208   Replies : 729   Waiting : 25    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 25    Lines : 36694 Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 2d 20:37  Average reply time : 1d 20:16
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 62 (8%)
	PV [Default]  : 54 (7%)
	ken yap [Default]  : 52 (7%)

Forum :
   Total : 813   Root : 69    Replies : 644   Waiting : 8     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 8     Lines : 18592 Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 5:07  Average reply time : 1d 4:31
   Top repliers :
	robopensuse [Default]  : 45 (6%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 42 (6%)
	microchip8 [Default]  : 25 (3%)

Forum :
   Total : 790   Root : 100   Replies : 466   Waiting : 12    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 3   NoReply : 12    Lines : 18489 Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 20:39  Average reply time : 1d 2:27
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 115 (24%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 83 (17%)
	ilm unique [Default]  : 12 (2%)

Forum :
   Total : 557   Root : 14    Replies : 481   Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 3   NoReply : 1     Lines : 15588 Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 6:41  Average reply time : 1d 0:10
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 64 (13%)
	robopensuse [Default]  : 35 (7%)
	Chrysantine [Default]  : 27 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 472   Root : 62    Replies : 247   Waiting : 12    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 12    Lines : 13341 Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 23:05  Average reply time : 2d 0:47
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 62 (25%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 48 (19%)
	Barry Nichols [Default]  : 10 (4%)

Forum :
   Total : 446   Root : 50    Replies : 222   Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 4     Lines : 12794 Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 5:14  Average reply time : 1d 1:40
   Top repliers :
	Larry Finger [Default]  : 96 (43%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 24 (10%)
	suse tpx60s [Default]  : 7 (3%)

Forum :
   Total : 314   Root : 48    Replies : 187   Waiting : 6     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 6     Lines : 8608  Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 18:17  Average reply time : 1d 8:03
   Top repliers :
	ken yap [Default]  : 30 (16%)
	hcvv [Default]  : 16 (8%)
	vodoo [Default]  : 13 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 270   Root : 47    Replies : 198   Waiting : 19    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 19    Lines : 6005  Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 11:50  Average reply time : 1d 3:10
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 23 (11%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 16 (8%)
	Jonathan R [Default]  : 11 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 206   Root : 14    Replies : 151   Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 4944  Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 2d 19:30  Average reply time : 2d 19:08
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 11 (7%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 10 (6%)
	mmarif4u [Default]  : 9 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 149   Root : 18    Replies : 87    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 3     Lines : 3357  Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 8:53  Average reply time : 2d 0:31
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 14 (16%)
	TaraIkeda [Default]  : 8 (9%)
	ken yap [Default]  : 7 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 138   Root : 25    Replies : 89    Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 4     Lines : 2834  Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 2:16  Average reply time : 8:28
   Top repliers :
	palladium [Default]  : 11 (12%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 9 (10%)
	john hudson [Default]  : 8 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 121   Root : 13    Replies : 86    Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 4     Lines : 3559  Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 4d 12:33  Average reply time : 5d 10:45
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 15 (17%)
	kloplop321 [Default]  : 9 (10%)
	hcvv [Default]  : 8 (9%)

Forum :
   Total : 109   Root : 2     Replies : 101   Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1917  Lines/msg : 17   
 Average root reply time : 10m  Average reply time : 4d 19:38
   Top repliers :
	Axeia [Default]  : 11 (10%)
	Jon Freeman [Default]  : 8 (7%)
	Tokugawa-Ieyasu [Default]  : 6 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 94    Root : 19    Replies : 58    Waiting : 8     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 8     Lines : 2183  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 1d 5:03  Average reply time : 7d 1:14
   Top repliers :
	creatura85 [Default]  : 8 (13%)
	I A [Default]  : 7 (12%)
	Zoialord [Default]  : 6 (10%)

Forum :
   Total : 92    Root : 10    Replies : 63    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1743  Lines/msg : 18   
 Average root reply time : 2:02  Average reply time : 23:27
   Top repliers :
	palladium [Default]  : 24 (38%)
	Jim Henderson [Default]  : 6 (9%)
	Confuseling [Default]  : 4 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 90    Root : 6     Replies : 78    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 1596  Lines/msg : 17   
 Average root reply time : 1d 13:34  Average reply time : 1d 6:39
   Top repliers :
	mmarif4u [Default]  : 9 (11%)
	joerione [Default]  : 7 (8%)
	cappucino [Default]  : 4 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 56    Root : 14    Replies : 28    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 1370  Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 1d 9:49  Average reply time : 21:11
   Top repliers :
	malcolmlewis [Default]  : 14 (50%)
	microchip8 [Default]  : 3 (10%)
	vodoo [Default]  : 3 (10%)

Forum :
   Total : 23    Root : 0     Replies : 23    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 405   Lines/msg : 17   
 Average reply time : 1d 21:22
   Top repliers :
	palladium [Default]  : 4 (17%)
	karusso [Default]  : 3 (13%)
	Uwe Buckesfeld [Default]  : 2 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 21    Root : 6     Replies : 12    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 3     Lines : 465   Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 2:08  Average reply time : 4:10
   Top repliers :
	Jim Henderson [Default]  : 6 (50%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 1 (8%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 1 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 10    Root : 1     Replies : 7     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 174   Lines/msg : 17   
 Average root reply time : 3:16  Average reply time : 4d 6:29
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 1 (14%)
	dragonbite [Default]  : 1 (14%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 1 (14%)

Forum :
   Total : 9     Root : 6     Replies : 3     Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 133   Lines/msg : 14   
 Average root reply time : 15m  Average reply time : 3:27
   Top repliers :
	growbag [Default]  : 1 (33%)
	TaraIkeda [Default]  : 1 (33%)
	Tokugawa-Ieyasu [Default]  : 1 (33%)

Forum :
   Total : 7     Root : 1     Replies : 3     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 138   Lines/msg : 19   
 Average root reply time : 15m  Average reply time : 21:22
   Top repliers :
	malcolmlewis [Default]  : 2 (66%)
	cyberorg [Default]  : 1 (33%)

Forum :
   Total : 1     Root : 1     Replies : 0     Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 167   Lines/msg : 167  

Total for 26 active forums:
   Total : 15407 Root : 2040  Replies : 9206  Waiting : 292   Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 32   NoReply : 293  Remote : 15407 Lines : 376845  Lines/msg: 24   
 Average root reply time : 1d 6:40  Average reply time : 1d 15:03

And some information about when people were posting here.

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Friday, 01 Jan 2010 15:00:09 GMT
Miscellaneous stats from Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT
to Thursday, 31 Dec 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Hourly message distribution, all messages (GMT):
 0 |*******************************                         533 ( 3%)
 1 |****************************                            485 ( 3%)
 2 |**************************                              443 ( 3%)
 3 |********************************                        545 ( 4%)
 4 |******************************                          519 ( 3%)
 5 |************************                                417 ( 3%)
 6 |****************************                            485 ( 3%)
 7 |************************                                407 ( 3%)
 8 |****************************                            481 ( 3%)
 9 |*********************************                       570 ( 4%)
10 |*********************************                       560 ( 4%)
11 |***********************************                     601 ( 4%)
12 |**************************************                  647 ( 4%)
13 |*****************************************               711 ( 5%)
14 |******************************************              722 ( 5%)
15 |***********************************************         814 ( 5%)
16 |**************************************************      850 ( 6%)
17 |**************************************************      855 ( 6%)
18 |*************************************************       837 ( 5%)
19 |*****************************************************   910 ( 6%)
20 |****************************************************    886 ( 6%)
21 |***********************************************         802 ( 5%)
22 |*******************************************             744 ( 5%)
23 |**********************************                      583 ( 4%)

Daily message distribution, all messages (day of month):
 1 |*****************************************               564 ( 4%)
 2 |***************************************************     693 ( 4%)
 3 |************************************************        662 ( 4%)
 4 |*************************************                   513 ( 3%)
 5 |********************************                        440 ( 3%)
 6 |***************************************                 533 ( 3%)
 7 |******************************************              571 ( 4%)
 8 |*****************************************************   726 ( 5%)
 9 |********************************************            602 ( 4%)
10 |******************************************              581 ( 4%)
11 |********************************************            600 ( 4%)
12 |*******************************                         427 ( 3%)
13 |*****************************                           404 ( 3%)
14 |*************************************                   509 ( 3%)
15 |***********************************                     480 ( 3%)
16 |******************************                          408 ( 3%)
17 |*********************************                       454 ( 3%)
18 |*********************************                       458 ( 3%)
19 |*****************************                           400 ( 3%)
20 |**********************************                      464 ( 3%)
21 |***************************************                 532 ( 3%)
22 |********************************                        439 ( 3%)
23 |*********************************                       449 ( 3%)
24 |************************                                333 ( 2%)
25 |**************************                              358 ( 2%)
26 |*****************************                           403 ( 3%)
27 |******************************                          411 ( 3%)
28 |***************************************                 540 ( 4%)
29 |**************************************                  527 ( 3%)
30 |*****************************************               555 ( 4%)
31 |***************************                             371 ( 2%)

Weekday message distribution, all messages (1=Monday...7=Sunday):
 7 |***********************************                    1812 (12%)
 1 |******************************************             2152 (14%)
 2 |*****************************************************  2736 (18%)
 3 |****************************************************   2707 (18%)
 4 |***********************************************        2401 (16%)
 5 |*************************************                  1929 (13%)
 6 |********************************                       1670 (11%)

I am back at it. A little quiet ATM but with a kernel update in the repos - expect some fun:O

Thanks for the info Kim;)

Gee, caf… you really have no life :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah… I’ll never make it to the list :\

Updated kernel this morning. Didn’t break things. Even with cutting edge ALSA kernel module installed. :slight_smile: ATI driver from repo is still working ok.

I saw my name in two lists, so not a bad move. But again hats off to Carl. :wink:

Wow… wasn’t even trying and I ended up on the second list.

I guess it hopes to post something in a forum that doesn’t see a lot of activity :stuck_out_tongue: