debugging some lines of perl-code

good evening dear OpenSuse-fans,

well i have a running LWP::UserAgent that should be applied on following URL

see this site here:

Note: a big public server with lots of power.

**btw **this runs with many many similar targets see the following endings:


note: i ve applied some advices from ken_yap and others that i got here:

**btw: ** you see that this is a Perl-job. Truely. I cannot inmage any other language that does this as well as Perl. I want to do this with use LWP::UserAgent; Well agreed t his can also be done with MECHANIZE which might be a bit easier but i will try with LWP::UserAgent first. well in order to fetch the above mentioned pages i have to do a loop.

i wanted to loop over the results - and therefore i tried to apply the corresponding URLS but i got a bunch of errors…:

suse-linux:/usr/perl # perl
Global symbol “$pagecontent” requires explicit package name at line 24.
Global symbol “$url” requires explicit package name at line 29.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors (#1)
(F) You’ve said “use strict” or “use strict vars”, which indicates
that all variables must either be lexically scoped (using “my” or “state”),
declared beforehand using “our”, or explicitly qualified to say
which package the global variable is in (using “::”).

Uncaught exception from user code:
Global symbol “$pagecontent” requires explicit package name at line 24.
Global symbol “$url” requires explicit package name at line 29.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
at line 86

See the code - some errors… can you advice!?

    #!/usr/bin/perl -W
    use strict;
    use warnings;         # give out some warnings if something does not run well
    use diagnostics;      # tell me when something is wrong 
    use DBI;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use HTTP::Request::Common;
    use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
    # first get a list of all schools
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/"); 
    #pretending to be firefox on linux.
    for my $i (0..10000) {
      my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => sprintf(" here to put the URL into =%d", $i));
      $request->header('Accept' => 'text/html');
      my $response = $ua->request($request);
      if ($response->is_success) {
        $pagecontent = $response -> content;
    # now we can do whatever with the $pagecontent
    my $request = POST $url,
    		  order => "schule_ort",
    		  schulname => undef, 
    		  Basisdaten => undef, 		  
    		  Profil  => undef, 
    		  Schulort => undef, 
    		  typid => "11",
    		  Fax  => 
    		  Homepage  => undef, 
    		  verbinder => "AND"
    print "getting all schools - this could take some time
    my $response = $ua->request($request);
    # extract the ids
    my @ids = $response->content =~ /getSchoolDetail\((\d+)/gs;
    print "found " . scalar @ids . " schools
    # for this demo we only do the first 5
    my @ids_to_do = @ids[0..4];
    # use your own user and password
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=schulen", "user", "pass", { AutoCommit => 0 }) or die $!;
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<sqlend);
       insert into schulen ( name , plz , ort, strasse , tel, fax , mail, quelle , original_id )
                   values  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
    # now loop over ids
    for my $id (@ids_to_do) {
      # get detail information for id
      my $res = $ua->get(" here to put the URL into => &gid=$id");
      # parse the response
      my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new;
      my $xpath = q|//div@id='MCinhview']//div@class='floatbox']//table|;
      my ($adress_table, $tel_table) = $tree->findnodes($xpath);
      my ($adr) = $adress_table->find("td");
      my ($name, $city, $street) = map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_ } ($adr->content_list)[2,4,6];
      my($plz, $ort) = $city =~ /^(\d+)\s*(.*)/;
      my ($tel, $fax, $mail) = map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_ } map { ($_->content_list)[1] } $tel_table->find("td");
      $sth->execute($name, $plz, $ort, $street, $tel, $fax, $mail, "SA", $id);
      print "$name done

well i have :

  1. to apply the right URL in the above code. (…with the loops)
  2. furthermore i have to fix all that causes warnings…

When you use strict; you are not allowed to use a variable before you declare it. Usual fix is to prepend my, e.g. my $url and my $pagecontent on the first appearance of it.

hello ken_yap

many thanks for the hints! i try this out!
regards dilberone

many thanks - i learn alot here!!

many thanks for the hints! i try this out!
regards dilberone

note: i commented out **use strict: **

after a new trial i have gotten new warnings - but i guess - it gets better and better.
hmmm - there are some naming confilcts in the script… aren´ t they…?

**eg - see here: **pagecontent

plz do not bear with me, as i am new…: see …

suse-linux:/usr/perl # perl

Name “main::pagecontent” used only once: possible typo at line 24 (#1)
(W once) Typographical errors often show up as unique variable names.
If you had a good reason for having a unique name, then just mention it
again somehow to suppress the message. The our declaration is
provided for this purpose.

NOTE: This warning detects symbols that have been used only once so $c, @c,
%c, *c, &c, sub c{}, c(), and c (the filehandle or format) are considered
the same; if a program uses $c only once but also uses any of the others it
will not trigger this warning.

Name “main::url” used only once: possible typo at
line 29 (#1)

It’s just a warning that $pagecontent appears only once so might be a typo for another variable. However it could be that at this stage of development of your program you don’t do anything with $pagecontent yet. Same for $url.