dbus-daemon killing CPU

dbus-daemon consistently maxes out one of my cores (50% usage on a dual-core) according to ksysguard (System Monitor). I researched and found this post
[ubuntu] dbus-daemon gone wild - memory leak - high CPU consumption - Page 2 - Ubuntu Forums](http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1101473&page=2)
where comment #13 said killing kpackagekitsmar fixes this, which I tried and that seems to have fixed it.

On further research I found other posts with this problem, such as
which suggests to me that a) there can be a variety of causes for dbus-daemon maxing CPU usage and b) this could be a non-distro-specific problem.

This page
and this page
seem to have identified the issue with kpackagekitsmarticon but seem to indicate it has since been fixed, yet I am still experiencing this issue.

It may be worth mentioning that I am also periodically experiencing problems with npviewer.bin, which I believe is related to flash, maintaining inappropriately high CPU usage. I have no idea if this could cause problems with dbus-daemon. If not it’s a separate issue.

If anyone has any ideas of what to do next, please help me. Is this a problem with OpenSUSE, KDE, dbus-daemon, kpackagekit, or ksysguard? Where should I file a bug report?

I am seeing a similar issue with Ubuntu 11.10 x64. dbus-daemon is running one of my cores consistently at 74%.

On 2011-12-02 00:26, sp3wn wrote:
> It may be worth mentioning that I am also periodically experiencing
> problems with npviewer.bin, which I believe is related to flash,
> maintaining inappropriately high CPU usage. I have no idea if this
> could cause problems with dbus-daemon. If not it’s a separate issue.

Kill that one. npviewer.bin is, IIRC used as a wrap to call flash, and
flash is known to have problems. You can kill the PID maxing, and the
culprit flash inside firefox will die.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)