I’m trying to get curl working in php but have found that I don’t have the library installed on the machine. I’ve tried adding it through yast2 but have not found how or where. Curl is installed but I don’t see anything about php/curl in the application list. Somewhat puzzled about this one. Any advice?


Welcome to the forum.

There is a php5-curl package installable by yast.

I’ve seen that on my other install (openSuse 11.2) but for some reason its not there on this install, which is running in a VM, not that should make a difference. I believe is openSuse 10 SP2 or something like that. Not positive since the server side of things is handled by a different department.

I believe is openSuse 10 SP2 or something like that.

I see. So it’s probably SLES 10 SP2. Help for this is in the other store next door.

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