CUPS does not recognize Ubuntu cups server on intranet

I have a printer configured on my Ubuntu server using CUPS amd made it available to the local network. The printer is recognized on my other Ubuntu machine without any problems.
But on my Suse laptop, the printer is not recognized.
Using the YaST printer Configuations, I choose the option "Recieve Printer Information from Remote CUPS servers. But no printer is found.
But… when I choose Do All Yout Printing Directly via One Remote CUPS server and enter the correct IP address (, the printer is found and I can print!
I am sure the printer info is broadcasted because it shows up on my second Ubuntu PC. But why is it not recognized by default on my Suse machine?
Any suggestions? Thanx in advance… :slight_smile:
Gtrz Klaas

OK I found out that is it a firewall problem… when disabling the firewall the printer is recognized! I try to find out how to configure the firewall that it sees the network printer while turned on, probably by not blocking broadcast UDP packets from the network.

On Wed February 24 2010 09:56 am, klaasvg wrote:

> OK I found out that is it a firewall problem… when disabling the
> firewall the printer is recognized! I try to find out how to configure
> the firewall that it sees the network printer while turned on, probably
> by not blocking broadcast UDP packets from the network.

CUPS uses port 631. Go to YaST–>Security and Users–>Firewall–>Allowed
Services and enable CUPS.

P. V.
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