Cross-compile for Ubuntu ARM with OBS

I have HelloWorld test package:
This compiles well for x86 and various distributions - opensuse, debian, ubuntu…
For ARM it only compiles for opensuse_Factory_ARM, other distrubitions are “unresolvable”
Debian: “nothing provides debhelper >= 4.1.16, nothing provides cmake, nothing provides build-essential”
Ubuntu: “nothing provides debhelper >= 4.1.16, nothing provides cmake, nothing provides autoconf, nothing provides automake, nothing provides binutils, nothing provides bzip2, nothing provides gcc, nothing provides gettext, nothing provides libc6, nothing provides libtool, nothing provides libncurses5, nothing provides perl, nothing provides zlib1g, nothing provides dpkg, nothing provides build-essential”

What I’m doing wrong?

If I get it right, there are no repositories for Debian/Ubuntu ARM - is this intention? How do I add it?

There is some 9 years old wiki page describing settings your own OBS instance for cross-compiling, but I would like to test it on first, if it is possible.


You need to ask the OBS admins if they will import the relevant distribution ARM release into OBS;