Critical Computer Error

So we turned on our desktop this morning that has opensuse 11.1 and kd34 on it. It loads up till it asks me if i want to boot normal or boot in safe mode or from floppy…I click the noraml (first option) and it plays all the booting sounds but the screen goes white and stays white. I can click ctr-alt-del and go back to the boot options but failsafe doesn’t work either. This has never happened before. Wtf could the problem be? Im Clueless? Its was a matter or it was working, booted down for the night, then not working. Anyways i don’t have anything backed up (cant find my backup disk ><) so any help is greatly appreciated.

I think your data will be safe. It is a problem with the graphics and it may have got updated automatically.
Anyway, first see if you can do a text login and you can see all your files.
To do a text login, when you reach the boot prompt, instead of pressing Enter key on the first option, just type 3 and Enter. (Yes, just type the digit 3 and Enter).
When the login prompt comes, enter your login and password. Then, check if all your files are OK.

Okay so, the interface is even more jacked up now when i try and boot up. So i didn’t get a chance to check the quality of the files on the hardrive. Although a little note popped up and read SoK something something error (Nvidia). So im pretty sure its a graphics problem. We just installed new updates on it yesterday actually through the suse updater, so, driver problem maybe? How would i go about fixing this without losing my files on the hardrive?

Dimzamatic adjusted his/her AFB on Sunday 10 May 2009 19:26 to write:

> Okay so, the interface is even more jacked up now when i try and boot
> up. So i didn’t get a chance to check the quality of the files on the
> hardrive. Although a little note popped up and read SoK something
> something error (Nvidia). So im pretty sure its a graphics problem. We
> just installed new updates on it yesterday actually through the suse
> updater, so, driver problem maybe? How would i go about fixing this
> without losing my files on the hardrive?

This sounds like you have had a kernel update and the nvidia drivers are now
not the right version.

first off when you get to the Grub boot screen type 3 just the number and
you will see it added to the end of the kernel parameter line, this should
get you to a login prompt, login as root and enter your password.

there are a few things you can do here depending on how comfortable you are
with the command line.

if it was me I would edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and make sure that the
option for composite is set to “off” then save and at the prompt try startx
or startkde, see what happens.

If it crashes the report any errors, if it gets stuck then press Cyrl+Alt+F1
and see if you can get back to the prompt and look for any error message
post them here.

That should give us a bit of an idea what is happening.



Nullus in verba
Nil illigitimi carborundum

Im not advanced in any way shape or form with setting up custom config’s. Should i still atempt to execute what you said in the last post and then post the results?

Dimzamatic adjusted his/her AFDB on Sunday 10 May 2009 23:36 to write:

> Im not advanced in any way shape or form with setting up custom
> config’s. Should i still atempt to execute what you said in the last
> post and then post the results?

Yeah go ahead just disregard the editing bit.

If I am not here when you reply though I will have gone to bed but someone
else is welcome to jump in if they want otherwise I will be back later this



Nullus in verba
Nil illigitimi carborundum

I think you can simple drop your xorg.conf file. The new driver installation creates a new one, and this doesn’t work.
I suggest you to reconfigure your X with some common video driver, with vesa example.
When you logged on runlevel 3 type:

sax2 -r -m 0=vesa // 0 - zero, not a letter! after this command sax2 will start you the graphic interface, wait a moment do not terminate.

it should reconfigure the X with vesa driver, and if there is no other problem you are able to boot up with normal runlevel (without typing 3 at the bootscreen). Back up your files and download the latest driver from - latest stable is 180.51.
Let me know if the reconfiguring and the backup process went ok.
Good luck.

Okay so I typed that in and it said no x server sax2 will will configure its own if needed. So it continues and goes to a blue screen with the sax2 11 configurations setup. I tried clicking the okay to use the sax2 configuration it suggested and it just did the same thing that it was doing before and didn’t work. So im now on the Custom configure setting and have no idea what to do. Options are Monitor , mouse, keyboard, touchscreen. I don’t see how this will help me.

Okay so my computer is still inoperable. Is there no other possible fixes for the problem? Replace graphics card? Upload New Drivers for the current one through thumbstick in failsafe or something? I need this computer working /cry>:(

So after that you have reconfigured you video driver with

sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

still can’t get to the desktop?
I have no better idea. Of course do not replace the video card. :slight_smile:
Try out any LiveCD to see is there any problem with you card.
Good luck.