I want to create a USB bootable stick with FreeDOS. Easy, is not it?
I plug my small (2GB) stick, start Unetbootin, USB drive is selected (checked with dmesg), I select FreeDOS 1.0, click OK.
Few seconds waiting, unmount and test in another computer.
I get the message “This is not a bootable disk. …”
GParted see the stick as bootable.
I tried with 2 computers and 2 sticks.
What I am doing wrong?
DOS would use MBR booting which require MBR boot code as the first sectors of the drive. Also the FAT formatted partition to boot to would require a boot flag and a couple of files (IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS (Kernel)) Note the SYS files are generally hidden and live as first files on the partition. Though not sure that is still a requirement.
Don’t know Unetbootin but the above is minimal requirements for a DOS boot