Couple of suggestions

There doesn’t appear to be a “remember me” function which most forums have to keep you logged in. It’s a great little feature and would benefit these forums.

When I go directly to a sub forum by typing the url in the address bar, I always get redirected back to the main forum page. This is surprisingly annoying!

On Sun, 18 Jul 2010 09:36:01 +0000, richard-g wrote:

> There doesn’t appear to be a “remember me” function which most forums
> have to keep you logged in. It’s a great little feature and would
> benefit these forums.

This has been discussed before - the reason there isn’t a “remember me”
function is that the authentication isn’t actually provided by the
forums, but rather by Novell’s identity infrastructure. That
infrastructure also provides access to Novell licenses and other
information that’s specific to a customer, so there is a timeout to
automatically revoke the permissions (otherwise someone could walk up to
your computer and steal your license files, for example).

> When I go directly to a sub forum by typing the url in the address bar,
> I always get redirected back to the main forum page. This is
> surprisingly annoying!

This is usually a cookie issue, from what I recall. Clearing cache and
cookies might help.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

I use KDE’s KWallet which remembers the site and so don’t need a ‘remember me’ option which I usually turn off if a website offers it.

OK. That makes sense. Integrated authentication has more benefits than drawbacks.

This is usually a cookie issue, from what I recall. Clearing cache and
cookies might help.[/QUOTE]

Cheers that’s working now :slight_smile: