Couple of quick questions about Tumbleweed...

Hi, these are probably pretty simple questions for some of you to answer but I just need to know about a couple of specifics before I upgrade to current and Tumbleweed. First,take KDE for example here. Is Tumbleweed going to always keep me current with the KDE stable releases? I mean if I’m in Tumbleweed with KDE 4.8.3 then when KDE 4.8.4 is stable, does Tumbleweed automatically roll me to that version? What about kernels? Are kernels frozen from which ever one you have when you start with the Tumbleweed updates? Or do the kernels keep updating automatically as well without intervention by me, the user? And finally, lets say in 4 months I’ve been using the Tumbleweed repos, but decide I want to go back to a stable and fixed version of Suse. Can I simply just change “current” in my repos back to 12.2 for example and update Zypper and all will be back to before using Tumbleweed?

barnac1e wrote:
> Hi, these are probably pretty simple questions for some of you to answer
> but I just need to know about a couple of specifics before I upgrade to
> current and Tumbleweed. First,take KDE for example here. Is Tumbleweed
> going to always keep me current with the KDE stable releases? I mean if
> I’m in Tumbleweed with KDE 4.8.3 then when KDE 4.8.4 is stable, does
> Tumbleweed automatically roll me to that version? What about kernels?

All packages come to Tumbleweed from Factory.
Packaes that are in Tumbleweed will thus eventually end up into the next

So yes, as for the kde in the official release.

> Are kernels frozen from which ever one you have when you start with the
> Tumbleweed updates? Or do the kernels keep updating automatically as
> well without intervention by me, the user?

Kernels to Tumbleweed come from Factory as well.
And kernels, as they always do, require user intervention since they
require reboot.

And finally, lets say in 4
> months I’ve been using the Tumbleweed repos, but decide I want to go
> back to a stable and fixed version of Suse. Can I simply just change
> “current” in my repos back to 12.2 for example and update Zypper and all
> will be back to before using Tumbleweed?

If the next distribution has been released by that time, “Current” then
will be that new one.
If not, “Current” will still be 12.2.

“Current” is always a link to the most recent released version.
Like today, “Current” is 12.1 and will be linked to 12.2 once it will be
And yes, removing all Tumbleweed repos and then ‘zypper dup’ ing will
bring the system back to Current.

If someone still finds me telling these same things in the future even
once more, stop me.

openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64) main host
openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64) 3.4.2-29-desktop Tumbleweed in VirtualBox
openSUSE 12.1 (i586) 3.1.10-1.13-desktop in EeePC 900

Vahis answered it well. The only thing I will add is that the update to the latest stable KDE isn’t automatic in that the maintainer(s) have to do a bit of work first to bring it over to the Tumbleweed repos. Thus it has taken anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the latest KDE release to actually make it to Tumbleweed. But you can use one of the KDE repositories to get it sooner if you wish.

I’ve been very satisfied overall with Tumbleweed since switching over about six months ago. I only update it once every month or two on average and I’ve found this schedule to work best for me with the least amount of hassle. For the most part everything “just works”. A small exception is if you use a proprietary video driver. For Nvidia anyway this requires a small step of downloading the new driver and rebuilding it after a kernel upgrade (takes about 5 minutes). On rare occasion there has been complications with this but a fix has always been posted here within a day.

I’ve also some small quesiton - I add tumbleweed repo and tehn did zypper update, but now when i did zypper udpate again it wanna install also kernel 3.11.10-21.xx and also 102 packages to upgrade… How ti deal with this thing right way ?? I add the repo did

 zypper dup --from Tumbleweed

as suggested and then update

On 2014-08-14 16:06, roberto68 wrote:
> I’ve also some small quesiton - I add tumbleweed repo and tehn did
> zypper update, but now when i did zypper udpate again it wanna install
> also kernel 3.11.10-21.xx and also 102 packages to upgrade… How ti
> deal with this thing right way ??

The supported method with tumbleweed is to always use “zypper dup”.
Otherwise, you have to use tricks - like tabooing that kernel “update”.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

but I wanna use such repos as Packman - so can you please link here the tricks - I hope some manual is already on th web

Why would that kernel update prevent you from using Packman?

You should indeed only use “zypper dup” to update your system.

It is not supported to use extra repos, although you can of course.
You may have to adjust the repo’s priorities though, but mostly not even this should be necessary as those repos would contain higher versioned packages.
“zypper dup” just takes the highest version from all of your repos.

so can you please link here the tricks - I hope some manual is already on th web


no that kernel update, but using programs from packman repos in tumbleweed that’s why i did

zypper dup --from Tumbleweed   

or could affect packgaes from packman it was written on tumbleweed manual, but thanks for that manual

But this would switch all packages that are in Tumbleweed to the crippled version in Tumbleweed.
And it won’t install any updates from the standard update repos or Packman either.

Better give Packman a higher priority (= lower priority number in YaST->Software Repositories) than the other repos and run “zypper dup” only.

On 2014-08-14 18:36, wolfi323 wrote:
> roberto68;2659146 Wrote:
>> but I wanna use such repos as Packman
> Why would that kernel update prevent you from using Packman?
> You should indeed only use “zypper dup” to update your system.

Yes, zypper dup would not take that kernel because it is older, even if
it appears in the update repo. But “zypper up” will of course install
it, because it is in the updates repo, regardless of its priority. So to
avoid that “issue”, you taboo it. Some people do not even bother,
network and disk space is cheap - although not for me.

> It is not supported to use extra repos, although you can of course.
> You may have to adjust the repo’s priorities though, but mostly not even
> this should be necessary as those repos would contain higher versioned
> packages.

Except of “patches” in the updates repo… which you can not remove,
because tumbleeweed does not update everything.

> “zypper dup” just takes the highest version from all of your repos.

Yes, that’s the main trick.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))